The Little Prince 07

2024-04-04 20:57:2301:24 97.8万


关注微信订阅号:ienglish521 回复:小王子,获取相应《小王子 | The Little Prince》原版电子书。

The second planet was inhabited by a very vain man. To vain man, other people are admirers. Vain man never hear anything but praise. So the little prince continued on his journey. 

The next planet was inhabited by a drunkard.  This was very brief one, but it plunged the little prince into a deep depression.  The drunkard was sunk in silence before a collection of empty bottles and a  collection of full wines. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Drinking. "

"Why are you drinking?"

"To forget."

"To forget what?"

"To foget shame..."

"What are you ashamed of?"

"... Drinking. "

The drunkard with ①【 * * silence for a *】. And the little prince went on his way, puzzled. 

"Grown-ups are certainly very very strange."

He said to himself, as he continued on his journey.




醉汉为了忘却因酗酒而带来的羞耻感,于是继续酗酒… 在他的逻辑里居然完美闭环了嘿… 真无语…🥲


just don't nmvhgggdcffdcvbc
