Episode 9: The Revolving Door

2022-09-14 04:07:0117:23 296
所属专辑:Season 1

Everything must eventually come to an end. This week we discuss the transient nature of friendships as an expat in China, how people deal with this, and how they approach new relationships. Hannah and Toni are joined by friend and producer Averill, whose departure from Shanghai coincides with the end of this season. We’re sad to see you go, Averill, but best of luck with the future!

This episode is dedicated to all our friends, new and old, here and back home. Thank you so much for all you have shared with us. Thanks also to every one of our wonderful interviewees for your time and for your golden nuggets of stories. And lastly, thank you to all our faithful listeners for your continued support and positive feedback. Looking for Laowai would not exist without you all!

To find out more, check out our website, here: https://lookingforlaowai.com/2018/02/05/9-the-revolving-door/ 

