His Gift | 圣诞主题英文广播剧


A tiny act of kindness could mean a lot more for others. It might be a bowl of hot soup on a freezing night, a glass of water in a arid desert, or even the best Christmas present…

As time goes by, is there a moment that makes you feel like eternity?

The same Christmas, the same gift, the same gracious face and warm voice.

Ten years apart! A miraculous overlap across a decade.

Feeling may be messy, fuzzy and unreal, hope is always nice, desirable and blest.

But at that time, we all lack the courage to try and face it. How can we know how beautiful the future will be if we don't try?

Is it right or wrong? 

Shouldn’t matter anymore, because we are merely looking for a result.

Ten years ago

A ray of sunshine lit up a dark lonely heart.

Ten years later

Have you become the sunshine in someone else’s life to warm this winter?

This world is not just black and white, it also appears as other gorgeous colors!

Life comes in all shapes and sizes, who said it must be a purgatory?

This Christmas, this story, is the gift we want to give you.

Hello there! Merry Christmas!










简介:东流西上工作室成立于2019年2月5日,2019年农历大年初一。我们现有中英双语配音员、美术设计师、后期、编剧、中英翻译等,已制作并发布了一大批精美的文字、音频、视频等作品。我们的成员遍布世界各地,英语平均水平为英语专业八级及以上,中文平均水平为普通话一级乙等水平,大部分成员为常年旅居海外的华人、华侨和留学生,遍布了美洲、欧洲、大洋洲及亚洲。正如我们团队的名字一样,“东流西上” 释意为水向东流,人往西走,比喻人们对故乡的思恋。我们团队有大量的海外华人、华侨及留学生,这个名字也寄托了广大社员对祖国的思念之情。