A Very Stable Genius by Philip




分享:A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America by Philip Rucker, Carol Leonnig

Amazon Best Sellers of 2020 in Books #2,定格日期:2020年3月23日。

The book ranges from the 2016 election and 2017 inauguration to the early days of the impeachment proceedings in 2019–2020.

Rucker and Leonnig interviewed more than 200 sources – most on condition of anonymity. Trump turned down their request to be interviewed.The universal value of the Trump administration was loyalty…” According to the authors, not to the country or its laws but to him personally.

Trump besides demanding loyalty, he delighted in abusing those whom he felt resisted to his proposals.Trump wants loyalty to extended to his staff and federal executive agencies, like the Justice Department, which he referred to as “my” Trump Justice Department. He couldn’t understand why it would not release a pro-Trump memo to help him, saying “They are supposed to be my people.”

This book should be read by students in business management. It illustrates how a new company CEO with prior successes brings ideas that worked elsewhere but were not matched to the new one.

While Trump rightly boasted he was a megastar in the real estate and entertainment businesses, the authors declare that Trump is a chaotic, inconsistent and ignorant manager over this nation’s federal government.

Rucker and Leonnig end by quoting the Brookings Institution researcher William A. Galtson: The president “appears to be daring the rest of the political system to stop him—and if it doesn’t, he will go further. . . . The Constitution is not a mechanism that runs by itself. Ultimately we are a government of men and not law. The law has no force without people who are willing to enforce it.” As of February 2020, the U.S. Senate lacked a majority willing to do so. This book helps to explain how this happened.