《大海仙子》The Sea Fairies


英文名:The Sea Fairies

作者: L. Frank Baum



1910年,鲍姆希望结束《奥兹国》系列,并推出一个新的系列,讲述一个名叫特罗特的小女孩和她的水手伙伴比尔船长的故事。《大海仙子》(1911年)是该系列的第一部作品,讲述了特罗特和比尔船长在海底与美人鱼和其他奇妙的生物进行冒险的故事。随后是《天空之岛》(1912年),然后鲍姆又回到了奥兹国的标题。他在《奥兹国的稻草人》(1915)中把Trot和Cap'n Bill带到了奥兹国。

In 1910, Baum hoped to end the Oz series and follow with a new series about a little girl named Trot and her sailor companion, Cap’n Bill. The Sea Fairies (1911) was the first book in the projected series and took Trot and Cap’n Bill under the sea where they had adventures with mermaids and other fantastic creatures. It was followed by Sky Island (1912) and then Baum returned to the Oz titles. He brought Trot and Cap’n Bill to Oz in the Scarecrow of Oz (1915).