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Unit 12

一、     听录音,与图意相符的画笑脸,不符的画哭脸。

1)    Thepeas flew into the sky one by one.

2)     The girl is healthy and happy .

3)    Thefifth pea grew into a plant with some green leaves.

4)    We canuse waste paper to make paper planes .

5)    Joe isgood at the high jump.

二、     听录音,选择合适的应答句。

1)    Whatwill you do , little pea?

2)    Whatare you going to do this summer holiday?

3)    Whatdid you hav for breakfast ?

4)    Howmany peas are there in the pod?

5)    Howcan we get there?

三、     听录音,填空完成句子。

1)    Thisis the first time for me to be in the UK. I’m very excited.

2)    We aregoing to see the world .How happy !

3)    “You’llmakes good bullets,” he said .

4)    Lookat the green leaves. How fresh they are!

5)    Theboy looked out of the car and saw a cat.

四、     听录音,判断句子正误。正确的用T 表示,错误的用F表示。

A man wantedto give his mother a birthday present . “ My present will be better than any ofmy brothers’ ” he thought . He heard about a bird . The bird could sing nice songs.He bought the bird and sent it to his mother. The day after his mother’s birthday, the man called his mother,” How did you like the bird , mother?” He asked.His mother answered, “ It tastes nice!”
