
Between 756 and 760, Lu Yu (733-804) compiled The Classic of Tea, the world's earliest extant, complete and comprehensive introduction to tea. Lu was known as chashen-the Tea God.

Wu Juenong, the author of this book, devoted his whole life to the subject of tea, his investigations and research leading to his 20th-century classic, A Modern Reader of The Classic of Tea.

In order to present The Classic of Tea of 1,200 years ago intact, to allow the old to serve the new and for it to make sense to a readership that does not read
Chinese, the editors have retained the chapter layout, scientific approach and knowledge base of Wu Juenong's book but in an abridged and compressed form.

Apart from annotating The Classic of Tea, this book also describes modern research on the efficacy of tea the varieties of tea leaf, the development of tea growing areas in China, the spread of tea drinking and local tea drinking customs, all combined in a scientific and intellectual approach. The many ancient works of art included in the book also give it an artistic and cultural flavor.