Judy Blumes AudioBooks - 朱迪·布鲁姆


朱迪·布鲁姆(Judy Blume,1938年-),美国儿童和成人幽默现实主义作家,她的小说描写的是中产阶级家庭儿童的故事。她开创了儿童文学创作的新天地,作品以坦诚直接的笔法从儿童的视角和语言出发,来描写初露端倪的性特征和同龄群体的压力等问题。布鲁姆幽默且富有同情心的写作风格,使她在儿童读者中极受欢迎。

01 Picture and Storybooks
■The Pain and the Great One

Age Range: 5 and up 
■The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo

■Freckle Juice
02 Pain and Great One Series
■Cool Zone with the Pain & the Great One

Kids  >  Ages 8-10
■Friend or Fiend? with the Pain & the Great One 

Ages 5-7
03 The Fudge Books
■01 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Kids  >  Ages 5-7
■02 Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great

Kids  >  Ages 5-7

■03 Fudge-a-mania

Kids  >  Ages 5-7
■04 Double Fudge

Kids  >  Ages 5-7
