Friends S09E13:宝刀未老破僵局 闲话批评很妒忌

2023-06-08 10:01:2909:37 139

1. rub sth in one's face 哪壶不开提哪壶 

Ross因为Rachel和新同事的恋情苗头醋意大发,他在跟Chanlder描述了一些自己遇到的所谓艳遇,Chandler听得很带劲然后说 Dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life! 这句话也可以说rub your crazy single life in my face. 

rub something in one’s face 或 rub one’s face in sth 意思都是通过重提某事达到使某人感到嫉妒或羞辱的效果 to make someone feel worse about something the person already feels embarrassed about:

例句: I know I shouldn't have paid that much for the poster – don't rub it in, OK?

Ross: Right that's why I came over to talk about. Hum...I saw Rachel kissing some guy on your balcony, even though there were NO LIGHTS !

Chandler: So are you to her?

Ross: Why...Why should I? I mean if she wants to move on, that's fine!

Chandler: You know when "That's fine" sounds true when someone yells it and spits!

Ross: No I'm serious. I mean she wants to date people? Fine! I don't care least she could have told me. You know I...I've been putting my life on hold and just concentrating on Emma but if she wants to go out there kissing guys  she barely knows, then so will I ! Very funny! Ross is gay! Ah! Ah!

Chandler: No no no. Good. So you're moving on? Do you have any idea where you're moving?

Ross: I don't know. I mean I have plenty of opportunity. Just just now there were some women at the coffee house smiled at me. And then the other day on the subway a woman "accidentally" sat on my hand.

Chandler: Dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life!

Ross: Well, and how about this? There is an anthropologist at school who totally came on to me during the inter-departmental Potluck dinner.

Chandler: Why did I get married?!

2. dish out 分发食物,说闲话批评

当Ross问Chandler他还会去找工作么,Chandler回答是You know I can only dish it out. 我也就是说说闲话。

dish sth out 有几种含义,用盘子给人分发食物,另外也当说某人的闲话或批评某人

例句:Do you usually dish out criticism to someone who's doing you a favour? 


Chandler: Hey it's the most eligible man in NY. How's the moving on going?

Ross: Not well. I went on the subway again and someone did sit on my hand but that person was neither female nor wearing pants.

Chandler: Well maybe you're going about this the wrong way. You know I mean think about it. Single white male, divorced three times, two illegitimate children. The personal ad writes itself....

Ross: That's funny...Do you think you'll ever work again?

Chandler: What are doing? You know I can only dish it out!

3. break the ice 打破僵局

Ross想和异性搭讪希望Chandler能帮助他,让Chandler像当年一样负责break the ice. 

“To break the ice”是指碰到陌生人时主动打开话匣子,开始攀谈,打破这种不熟悉的局面,让气氛热络起来。由此衍生出来“icebreaker”一词,指彼此不认识的人见面时,用来活跃气氛的游戏或笑话。另外,“icebreaker”也有“破冰船”的意思。


When meeting potential new clients, it's important to break the ice by starting the conversation.


4. still got it 宝刀未老

Ross和Chandler跟女生搭讪,结果把人家吓跑了。Chandler自嘲到we still got it. 

still got it. 宝刀未老

例句:He's still got it.
例句:She's still got it.

Ross: You know what? Enough! Enough talking! I have to get moving! Hey check out those two blondes over there! Hey come with me!

Chandler: Are you trying to get everybody divorced?

Ross: You don't have to do anything. It will just be easier if it is the two of us, like college, remember? break the ice with some kind of jokes so that they know you're the funny one and I swoop in with some interesting conversation, so they'll see that I'm the brilliant, brooding, sexy one...

Chandler: I thought I had to make the jokes!

Ross: Don't you have to be at work?

Chandler: Oh come on! Hello! Hi! My name is Chandler, here's my friend Ross right here, and we were wondering you know if you're up for it. We only need six more people for a human pyramid...Swoop!! Swoop!!

Ross: Hum...So...hum...Oh hey I noticed you were reading the paper...another flood in Europe? Here’s a question: "Would you... would you rather drown or be burnt alive?"

Blonde girl: Sorry...we were just leaving

Chandler:We still got it!

5. all over the place 到处都是,思维混乱

Rachel向Gavin解释自己和Ross的关系的复杂性,最后对自己状态的总结就是I am all over the place.

all over the place 到处都是,也可以表示思维思绪比较混乱 in a disorganized or confused state.

例句:The government is all over the place on this.

Gavin: So hum...Why did I have to hide?

Rachel: I thought it was Ross.

Gavin: So what if it was? I thought there was nothing going on between you two...

Rachel: There isn't. There is totally isn't.

Gavin: You hear a key in the hole and you jump like a young bronco coming out of a chute for the first time. I used to be a rodeo clown.

Rachel: All right. Look. Gavin...I...I guess I felt guilty that you were here, which I shouldn't. You know Ross and I are not in any relationship but...he is the father of my child, and you know we do live together and plus there is just so much know it's just...I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm just all over the place.

Gavin: It's OK. I know it's probably not my place but can I give you a piece of advice?

Rachel: Yes

Gavin: I think you should talk to Ross about all this.

Rachel: People keep saying that. Oh I'm sorry Gavin

Gavin: Don't be. It's just bad timing.

Rachel: So clown?

Gavin: One of the best, ma'am, one of the best...









