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Having reachedthis decision, she summoned the eunuch Xia Bing-zhong and ordered him to conveythe following Edict to Rong-guo House: Bao-chai and the other young ladies of the householdate to reside in the Garden. The Garden is not to be kept closed. Bao-yu is toaccompany the young ladies into the Garden and to continue his studies there. 想毕,遂命太监夏守忠到荣国府来下一道谕,命宝钗等只管在园中居住,不可禁约封锢,命宝玉仍随进去读书。The Edict was received by Jia Zheng and LadyWang. When Xia Bing-zhong had gone, they reported it at once to Grandmother Jiaand sent servants into the garden to sweep and prepare its buildings and rehangthe blinds, portieres and bed-curtains in readiness for occupation. 贾政、王夫人接了这谕,待夏守忠去后,便来回明贾母,遣人进去各处收拾打扫,安设帘幔床帐。No one was mote excited by the prospect ofthis move than Bao-yu. He was discussing it animatedly with Grandmother Jia (itwas a discussion in which the words ‘I want’ recurred rather frequently) whensuddenly a maid came in and an¬nounced that he was wanted by his father. Atthis bolt from the blue his countenance fell and all his animation drainedaway. Clinging to his grandmother with the gluey persistence of a toffee twist,he made it abundantly plain to her that he had no wish to obey. The old ladydid her best to comfort him:‘There, there, my lamb! You’d better go and see him. Grannie will see toit that he doesn’t hurt you. He wouldn’t dare. Besides, look at all thoselovely poems you wrote: I expect that’s why Her Grace is letting you inside thegarden. I’m sure that’s all he wants to see you about. Probably he just wantsto warn you against getting up to mischief after you have moved in. You onlyhave to answer nicely and promise to do as he says. You’ll be all right.’ 别人听了还自犹可,惟宝玉听了这谕,喜得无可不可。正和贾母盘算,要这个,弄那个,忽见丫鬟来说:“老爷叫宝玉。”宝玉听了,好似打了个焦雷,登时扫去兴头,脸上转了颜色,便拉着贾母扭得好似扭股儿糖一般,杀死不敢去。贾母只得安慰他道:“好宝贝,你只管去,有我呢,他不敢委曲了你。况且你又作了那篇好文章。想是娘娘叫你进去住,他吩咐你几句,不过不叫你在里头淘气。他说什么,你只好生答应着就是了。”To make sure, she sent a couple of oldnannies along as well with strict instructions to watch over him:‘See that his Pa doesn’t frighten him!’ shetold them, and the old women promised their protection. 一面安慰,一面唤了两个老嬷嬷来,吩咐“好生带了宝玉去,别叫他老子唬着他。”老嬷嬷答应了。Obliged to go, yet still reluctant, Bao-yucontrived to do so at so dawdlilig a pace that each step can have advanced himonly a few inches upon his way. Itso happened that Jia Zheng had gone for thepurpose of discussing these matters into Lady Wang’s room and Lady Wang’s maidsGolden, Sun-cloud, Sunset, Avis and Avocet were standing outside under theeaves. Their amusement when they caught sight of Bao-yu advancing at thissnail’s pace into the courtyard was evident from the expression on their faces.Golden seized him by the hand, and thrusting out a pair of heavily carminedlips, she said to him in a whisper:‘Look at that byotiful lipstick! I’ve only just put iton. Wouldn’t you like a taste of it?’ 宝玉只得前去,一步挪不了三寸,蹭到这边来。可巧贾政在王夫人房中商议事情,金钏儿、彩云、彩霞、绣鸾、绣凤等众丫鬟都在廊檐下站着呢。一见宝玉走来,都抿着嘴笑。金钏一把拉住宝玉,悄悄的笑道:“我这嘴上是才擦的香浸胭脂,你这会子可吃不吃了?”












