Episode 035 - Alexander of Epirus

2018-04-04 17:53:41 2206

— Alcetas, Arymbas, Aeacides, and Pyrrhus.  Great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and son.

Alexander I of Epirus crosses the sea and comes to Italy, to help Greek cities there. He later dies in a battle against the very people people he came to rescue.

Hello, this is Abel, speaking from Beijing, China. Welcome to my podcast.

The Tale of Rome, Episode 35 — Alexander of Epirus.

Last week we left off with five open topics, which we will cover in this episode.

They are — as follows:

ONE — Our weekly report from Ostia, brought by our loyal slave, who spends entire days on the docks and markets of the port of Rome. This way we get to know what is going on in Greece, since we are in the times of Alexander the Great, and events are too important, to just let them “hang in there” until our episode of the State of the Union.

TWO — The tactics of the Phalanx, at the time of the Roman King Servius Tullius. 

As a side note — at the time of Romulus, Romans fought using a system of just one strong leader, leading his equally strong warriors into hand-to-hand fights. 

No Phalanxes there, whatsoever.

THREE — The continuation of the situation between Rome and the Latins, after the Roman Senate rejected what they asked from Rome.

FOUR — The continuation of our family saga, now that we know the whereabouts of Marcus, Falvius, and Spurion, the son of Spurious.

AND FIVE — The part where Alexander of Epirus, the uncle of two famous nephews, arrives in Italy, does his thing, and ends up dying in Italy.

But before we start, I want to give a very cordial, heartfelt, and long overdue THANK YOU to two gentlemen who praised my show on another podcast, named History by Hollywood.


I want to really thank Martin and Andrew, for the uplifting message I received from them about a month ago — see? 

It’s been a month!

My thank you is really overdue.

But hey — better late then never — and I also thank them for mentioning this show, on their show. 

And of course — if you like HISTORY, here is a tip. 

Go to History by Hollywood.com and check it out. 



Another episode S|绫辻行人




