Part 6 Chapter 2 表达观点态度_Unit 2 反对与批评

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by design
【例】They didn't know whether it was done by chance or by design. 他们不知道这是碰巧,还是故意这么做的。
cheat [tʃiːt]
【释】v. 欺骗,骗取(to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud)
【用】cheat...(out) of 骗取,非法剥夺(权利等)
【例】The department store cheated customers by overcharging them. 百货商店标价过高,欺骗了顾客。
condemn [kənˈdem]
【释】v. 声讨,极力谴责(to express very strong disapproval of someone or something, usually for moral)
【用】condemn...for/as 因…而极力谴责
【例】In the past women were condemned for wearing short skirts. 过去,女人穿短裙是要受到谴责的。
contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]
【释】v. 矛盾,抵触(to be contrary to)
【例】Sandy's account of the accident contradicts that of others’. 桑迪对事故的描述与其他人的相矛盾。
contrary [ˈkɒntrəri]
【释】a. 相反的,对立的(completely different or opposed to something else)
【例】The introduction of such a tax would be contrary to our policy. 实行这种税收与我们的政策相矛盾。
counter [ˈkaʊntə(r)]
【释】v. 抵制,反抗(to take action in order to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effects)
【例】How can we counter these rumours? 我们该如何抵制这些流言?
deceive [dɪˈsiːv]
【释】v. 欺骗,蒙蔽(to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid)
【用】deceive...into doing 蒙蔽…做
【例】They deceived Mabel into signing the agreement. 他们骗玛贝尔签了这份协议。
deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli]
【释】ad. 故意地,蓄意地(with a definite intention, not by chance or by accident)
【例】It was reported that the fire was started deliberately. 据报道,这场大火是有人故意为之的。
despise [dɪˈspaɪz]
【释】v. 鄙视,看不起(to dislike someone or something and have no respect for them)
【用】despise...for 因…而鄙视
【例】How I despised myself for my cowardice! 我是如此鄙视自己的懦弱!
disapprove [ˌdɪsəˈpruːv]
【释】v. 不赞成,反对(to not approve of someone or something)
【用】disapprove of 反对
【例】Why do you always disapprove of everything I do? 为什么你总是反对我做的每一件事?
doubtful [ˈdaʊtfl]
【释】a. 可疑的(not certain or likely to happen or be true)
【用】it is doubtful (that...)/whether/if …令人怀疑;be doubtful about 对…表示怀疑
【例】I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity. 我怀疑手稿的真实性。
enemy [ˈenəmi]
【释】a. 敌人的,敌方的(of, relating to, or being a hostile power or force)
【例】Our air defense system has brought down all the enemy aircraft. 我们的防空系统击落了敌方的所有战机。
fool [fuːl]
【释】v. 欺骗,愚弄(to trick someone by making them believe something that is not true)
【用】fool...into doing 愚弄…做
【例】The father taught the boy how to fool a trout with a little bit of floating fur and feather. 父亲教小男孩如何用一些漂浮的皮毛或羽毛来欺骗鲑鱼。
hostile [ˈhɒstaɪl]
【释】a. 敌对的,敌意的(behaving in a very unfriendly or threatening way toward someone)
【用】be hostile to/towards 对…怀有敌意的,对…极不友好的
【例】The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday. 州长昨天在参观小镇时遇到了大批充满敌意的群众。
kid [kɪd]
【释】v. 戏弄(to say something that is not true, especially as a joke)
【用】just/only kidding 开玩笑
laugh at
【例】You are said to laugh at the students when they make mistakes. 听说当学生们犯错时你嘲笑他们。
look down on/upon
【例】Alice looked down on those who had never been to university. 艾丽斯看不起那些没上过大学的人。
mislead [mɪsˈliːd]
【释】v. 领错路,(使)误入歧途(to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit)
【用】be misled into doing 被误导做
【例】His son was misled by the bad companies. 他的儿子由于交友不慎而误入歧途。
mock [mɒk]
【释】v. 嘲笑,嘲弄(to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do)
【用】mock at 取笑
【例】Jack went to class only to mock the irresponsible lecturer. 杰克去上课只是为了嘲弄这名不负责任的讲师。
object [ˈɒbdʒɪkt]
【释】v. 反对,不赞成(to present a dissenting or opposing argument or to express your opposition to it in words)
【用】object to 反对
【例】I’ll take care of this dog, if no one objects. 如果没人反对,我想要照顾这条狗。
on purpose
【例】Little Tom broke the window on purpose. 小汤姆故意打破了玻璃。
oppose [əˈpəʊz]
【释】v. 反对,反抗(to disagree with a plan or policy; to speak against a proposal or law in a debate)
【例】These countries were unanimous in opposing NATO's bombing raids. 这些国家一致反对北约的轰炸袭击。
opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt]
【释】a.(to)对立的,相反的(completely different)
【用】be opposite to 与…相对的,与…相反的
【例】The car smashed into a truck coming from the opposite direction. 那辆小轿车与迎面开来的一辆卡车相撞了。
protest [ˈprəʊtest]
【释】v. 抗议,反对(to disagree strongly with something, often by making a formal statement or taking action in public)
【用】protest about/against/at 抗议,反对
【例】They are protesting against high unemployment and inflation. 他们在抗议高失业率和通货膨胀。
purposely [ˈpɜːpəsli]
【释】ad. 故意地,有意地(on purpose; deliberately)
【例】Don't close the door; Jeff purposely left it open. 不要关门,杰夫特意把门打开的。
refute [rɪˈfjuːt]
【释】v. 反驳,驳倒(to say that a statement is not true or accurate)
【例】The police said Butler was drunk, but it was refuted by his attorney. 警方称巴特勒当时是醉酒状态,但他的律师反驳了这一说法。
repel [rɪˈpel]
【释】v. 抵抗,抗御(to keep something away)
【例】Everyone should try his best to repel the invasion of the enemy. 每个人都要尽全力抵御敌人的入侵。
reproach [rɪˈprəʊtʃ]
【释】v. 斥责,批评(to criticise and feel disappointed with someone for something they have done)
【用】reproach sb./oneself for 因…责备某人/自己(尤指未做成某事);reproach sb./oneself with 指责…是某人的/自己的过失
【例】The little boy was severely reproached for his rude behaviour. 小男孩因举止粗鲁遭到严厉的批评。
resist [rɪˈzɪst]
【释】v. 抵抗,反抗(to remain firm against the actions, effects, or force of)
【例】A protester was injured while resisting arrest. 一名抗议者在反抗逮捕时受伤了。
reverse [rɪˈvɜːs]
【释】a. 反向的,相反的(turned backward in position, direction, or order)
【例】Now arrange the numbers in reverse order. 现在倒序排列这些数字。
scorn [skɔːn]
【释】v. 蔑视,瞧不起(to feel or show that you think someone or something is stupid and you do not respect them)
【例】People always scorn me because I have a single parent. 人们通常瞧不起我,因为我来自单亲家庭。
suspicious [səˈspɪʃəs]
【释】a. 可疑的,怀疑的(having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something)
【用】be suspicious of 对…表示怀疑
【例】Did you observe anything suspicious in that case? 你有没有发现这个案子中有什么令人怀疑的地方?
【析】sceptical和suspicious词义相近,容易混淆:sceptical强调“不相信别人说的话或事物”,常与of/about搭配,如:I am sceptical about Jose's view.(我怀疑乔斯的观点。) suspicious常指“引起或易于引起怀疑的;对…表示怀疑的”,常用搭配为:be/become suspicious of/about,如:Some of his colleagues became suspicious of his behaviour.(他的一些同事开始怀疑他的行为。)
tease [tiːz]
【释】v. 戏弄;取笑(to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them)
【例】You promise you won't ever tease me about my birth mark. 你保证不会再取笑我的胎记。
trick [trɪk]
【释】v. 欺诈,哄骗(to make someone believe something that is not true)
【用】trick...into doing 哄骗…做
【例】Henry was tricked into revealing the place where he had hidden the money. 亨利被诱使说出了他藏钱的地方。
unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl]
【释】a. 不可信的;难以置信的(too unlikely to be true or believed)
【例】The congestion at the theatre last night was unbelievable. 昨晚戏院的拥挤程度令人难以置信。
unconvincing [ˌʌnkənˈvɪnsɪŋ]
【释】a. 不令人信服的(not capable of persuading you that something is true or right)
【例】He gave an unconvincing explanation of the cause of the accident. 他对事故起因的解释令人无法信服。
unfriendly [ʌnˈfrendli]
【释】a. 不友善的,不利的(not friendly)
【例】Some people were unfriendly to the new recruit. 一些人对新员工不友好。
unsuitable [ʌnˈsuːtəbl]
【释】a. 不合适的,不相称的(not appropriate for a particular situation, purpose, or person)
【用】be unsuitable for/to 不适合
【例】Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking long distance. 埃米的鞋不适合走远路。
beguile [bɪˈɡaɪl]
【释】v. 欺骗(to persuade or trick someone into doing something, especially by saying nice things to them)
【例】I was beguiled by Don's flattery into trusting him. 我被唐的甜言蜜语哄骗了,进而相信了他。
improper [ɪmˈprɒpə(r)]
【释】a. 不适当的,不合适的(not proper)
【例】Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviour at a funeral. 在葬礼上,大笑和开玩笑都被认为是不合适的。
intentionally [ɪnˈtenʃənli]
【释】ad. 故意地,特意地(not accidentally)
【例】You did that intentionally, just to annoy me. 你故意这样做,就是为了惹恼我。
inverse [ˌɪnˈvɜːs]
【释】a. 倒转的,反转的(changing in the opposite way to something else)
【例】Mary went to the South and Mike set out in an inverse direction. 玛丽去了南方,迈克则启程去往相反的方向。
jeer [dʒɪə(r)]
【释】v. 嘲笑(to shout or laugh at someone in an unkind way that shows you have no respect for them)
【用】jeer at 嘲笑,嘲弄
【例】The students jeered the speaker off the stage. 学生们的嘲笑将发言人轰下了台。
questionable [ˈkwestʃənəbl]
【释】a. 可疑的,不可靠的(possibly not true, accurate, or complete)
【例】The teacher feels that the results of the test are questionable. 老师觉得考试成绩可疑。
reprove [rɪˈpruːv]
【释】v. 责骂,申斥(to criticise or blame someone for doing something wrong or bad)
【用】reprove...for 因…而责备
【例】“Don't be silly, Tom,” his mother reproved. 妈妈责骂他:“汤姆,不要犯傻。”
sneer [snɪə(r)]
【释】v. (at)嗤笑,嘲笑(to speak in an unpleasant way that shows you do not respect someone or something)
【用】sneer at 嘲笑
【例】If you go to a club and you don't look right, you will be sneered at. 如果你去俱乐部时的穿着打扮不合时宜,就会被人取笑。
advisedly [ədˈvaɪzədli]
【释】ad. 故意地(after careful consideration, deliberately, on purpose)
【例】I'm quite sure that she used these words advisedly. 我确信她是故意这样说的。
antagonistic [ænˌtæɡəˈnɪstɪk]
【释】a. 对抗的,敌对的(disliking someone or something very much and behaving in a very unfriendly way toward them)
【用】be antagonistic to/towards 与…敌对的,与…对抗的
【例】Anthony was not only indifferent but antagonistic to labour. 安东尼对劳动不仅持漠然态度,而且表示反对。
antithetical [ˌæntɪ'θetɪkəl]
【释】a. 相反的,对立的(being in diametrical opposition)
【例】Long speeches are antithetical to the nature of cinema. 冗长的独白与电影院的性质是相悖的。
contradictory [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri]
【释】a. 相矛盾的,相反的(mutually opposed or inconsistent)
【例】It seems that your schemes are contradictory to common sense. 看起来你的方案不符合常识。
defraud [dɪˈfrɔːd]
【释】v. 欺骗,骗取(to get money from a person or an organisation in a dishonest way)
【用】defraud...of 从…骗取
【例】They conspired to defraud the federal government of millions of dollars in income taxes. 他们密谋以收入所得税的名义从联邦政府骗取数百万美元。
delude [dɪˈluːd]
【释】v. 欺骗,哄骗(to make someone think something is not true)
【用】delude oneself 自欺
【例】Arthur had deluded himself into believing that it would all come right in the end. 亚瑟自欺欺人地认为,最后一切都会变好。
demur [dɪˈmɜː(r)]
【释】v. 表示异议,反对(to say you do not approve of something; to refuse to do something)
【用】demur at 反对;对…表示怀疑
【例】Both teams demurred to the result. 两队都对这一结果表示异议。
deride [dɪˈraɪd]
【释】v. 嘲笑(to criticise someone or something by suggesting that they are stupid, unimportant, or useless)
【用】 嘲笑或嘲弄…为
【例】They derided my efforts as childish. 他们嘲笑我的努力很幼稚。
disdain [dɪsˈdeɪn]
【释】v. 鄙视,蔑视(to think that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any respect)
【例】The poor man was rather strange and often disdained other people's help. 那个穷人相当奇怪,经常瞧不起别人对他的帮助。
dupe [djuːp]
【释】v. 欺骗,愚弄(to trick someone into believing something that is not true or into doing something that is stupid or illegal)
【用】dupe...into doing 愚弄…做
【例】The agency duped her into signing up a course which charged $200. 那个机构骗她报了一门学费为200美元的课程。
inappropriate [ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət]
【释】a. 不适合的,不相称的(not appropriate)
【用】be inappropriate to/for 对…不恰当
【例】Maggie's speech is inappropriate to the occasion. 玛吉的讲话不适合这个场合。
indecorous [ɪnˈdekərəs]
【释】a. 不合礼节的(not decorous)
【例】It is indecorous to laugh aloud during a wedding ceremony. 在结婚典礼上大笑是不合礼节的。
inimical [ɪˈnɪmɪkl]
【释】a. 敌意的
malevolent [məˈlevələnt]
【释】a. 有恶意的(having, showing, or arising from intense, often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred)
【用】be malevolent to/towards 对…不怀好意的
【例】The malevolent look on his face made us tremble. 他脸上的恶意令我们不寒而栗。
rebuke [rɪˈbjuːk]
【释】v. 指责,非难(to tell someone that they have behaved badly)
【用】rebuke...for 因…指责或非难
【例】The missionaries rebuked the natives for lacking in mercy. 传教士们指责当地人缺乏怜悯心。
remonstrate [ˈremənstreɪt]
【释】v. 抗议,反对(to make a protest or complain about someone or something)
【用】remonstrate with 对…提出抗议,反对;remonstrate against 对…提出抗议,反对
【例】Mary remonstrated with Bill for his rudeness. 玛丽对比尔的粗鲁提出抗议。
repulse [rɪˈpʌls]

【释】v. 击退,驱逐(to force an army or other group of people to move back and stop attacking you)
【例】Finally, we repulsed the enemy. 最后我们击退了敌军。
ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl]
【释】v. 嘲笑,嘲弄(to try to make someone or something seem silly by making fun of them in an unkind way)
【例】His sisters and brothers refuse to help him, and instead ridicule him when he is in trouble. 他的兄弟姐妹拒绝帮助他,还在他遇到困难时取笑他。
scoff [skɒf]
【释】v. 嘲笑(to laugh or say things to show that you think someone or something is stupid)
【用】scoff at 嘲笑
【例】At first I scoffed at the notion. 起初我嘲笑这种观念。
taunt [tɔːnt]
【释】v. 嘲笑(to jeer at someone)
【用】taunt...with 以…嘲笑
【例】The little girl felt that she was taunted by her classmates. 那个小女孩觉得同学们在嘲笑她。
unbecoming [ˌʌnbɪˈkʌmɪŋ]
【释】a. 不合适的;不得体的(not according with the standards appropriate to one's position or condition of life)
【用】be unbecoming to/for 对…来说不得体
【例】I felt very sorry for my unbecoming speech. 我为自己不得体的发言感到抱歉。
unseemly [ʌnˈsiːmli]
【释】a. 不适当的,不适宜的;不得体的(not suitable for a particular situation)
【例】It used to be thought unseemly for women to go to church without a hat. 过去,人们常常认为女性不戴帽子去教堂是不得体的。
Patience and perseverance will pay off.
——爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)


















