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L.A. Youth是洛杉机一家青少年报纸。它隔期选一个主题,进行征文大赛。大赛获奖作品语言流畅、见解独到,我们将摘录一些获奖征文,与大家分享。本期选登的 是2005年11~12月份征文大赛一等奖得主的作品,该期的主题是“What I dread about the future?”本文很有感染力,充分表达了作者对生命的热爱。 
  When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away knowing I had completely enjoyed the days of my life? I often find myself thinking and reflecting. However, at the end of it all, I realize that my fear about the future is not having a future. 
  I'm worried that in the blink1 of an eye my life would end. I would not have experienced everything life has to offer or accomplished all my goals. My life would be lived without ever having a purpose. I need to live a life with a purpose, the purpose of improving and impacting2 others' lives. I don't want to close my eyes, with the millions of things in my life left undone, not experienced, not achieved, running endlessly until my last breath is a painful regret. 
  I have not yet brought joy to my parents. The many expectations they have for me have not been met. I want to make them proud; the love they have given me is beyond words. To bring happiness to them by fulfilling the expectations they have for me, will be the first step in living a fulfilled life. 
  I have not yet become the role model I want to be for my younger siblings3. I want to be the person they look up to, the person that they turn to for guidance. However, I have not yet been through enough of life's hardships to be wise enough to give them the advice they need. I love the innocence in their smiles, but I also know with time that will fade. I want to be the person who protects them and the one who shows them the right way when they're lost in peer4 pressure or their own depression. 
  I have not yet experienced true friendship. Life has given me many friends, but it seemed with time, people changed and so did the relationships. Friends, it seems, come and go. I value friendship, but so far in life, distance or another factor always comes in the way of maintaining a friendship. 
  I have not yet had my heart broken. I want to live life until I am able to be in love. I want to be able to trust a boy enough to give him my heart, and yet not be afraid to get it broken. I want to feel the warmth of being in love and the sorrows of having my heart broken. I fear my future will never come, my life ending unfinished. I am not ready for my final sunset. I want to continue my days in the sun, to experience the happiness of the sunshine and the pain of the sunburn. My life is not ready to end; it is barely beginning. I have just started to learn the meaning of life, my wants and needs, my goals and dreams. I want to be able to live long enough to live a fulfilled life, a life that will be remembered, a life that made an impact. As of now, I am enjoying the sunrise, hoping the sunset will come when I will be able to walk away knowing I completely enjoyed the days of my life. 
   当生命中最后一次日落来临,我能否在离开人世之前,已然知道自己已充分享受了生活?我时常想起并思考这个问题。但最终,我意识到我对未来的恐惧就是害怕没 有未来。 我担心一眨眼的功夫我的生命就到了尽头。我还未经历生命所给予的每件事,还未实现我所有的目标。我的生命将毫无意义地度过。我需要过有意义的一生,来改善 和影响他人的生活。当我的生命中还有无数件事情没有去做,没有去经历,没有实现或者还在无限运转时,我可不想就这样闭上双眼,在痛苦中遗憾地呼出最后一口 气。 我还没有给父母带来欢乐。他们对我抱有很多期望,我还没有实现。我想让他们为我而骄傲;他们给予我的爱无以言表。实现他们对我的期望,给他们带来欢乐,这 将是充实生活的第一步。 
  我想成为弟妹的榜样,但还未实现。我想成为他们仰慕的对象,希望他们来找我寻求引导。然 而,我在生活中经受的艰难还不够多,还没有足够的智慧给他们所需的建议。我爱他们笑容中的天真,但我也知道这天真也会随着时光的流逝而消失。我想成为他们 的保护者,当他们遇到来自同辈的压力或陷入沮丧时,我希望能给他们指出正确的道路。 
  我还未曾心碎过。我想活到我能爱上一个人的时候。我想能充分信任一个男孩,把我的心交给 他,却不怕心碎。我想感受恋爱时的那种温暖,心碎时的那种悲伤。我害怕我的未来永远不会到来,生命还未完整,就走到了尽头。我并没有为最后一次日落做好准 备。我想在太阳下继续过我的日子,去经历阳光明媚时的欢乐,以及受到阳光灼伤时的痛苦。我的生命还没有准备好终结;它才刚刚开始。我才开始领悟生命的意 义,知道我想要什么,我需要什么,我的目标和梦想是什么。我想能够活足够长的时间,充实地生活,过一种能被人们记住的生活,一种有影响力的生活。就现在而 言,我正在享受日出,希望当日落来临时,我知道自己已充分享受了生活,可以安心地离去。 

