Navigating the Healthcare Sector in China

2023-10-16 13:25:4647:07 1018

With a population of 1.4 billion and among which 21% are over 55 years old in China, it is easy to understand that healthcare is a huge opportunity there. But before you jump into this market as a foreigner, you may want to understand these questions: how does the healthcare industry look like in China today? What is the difference of the China healthcare infrastructure compared to that in the US? What is the trend in healthcare delivery in China? What are the areas you can touch or should not touch? You will get valuable information from this interview with Dr. Tingting Zhang, who has graduated with a PHD in Cancer Biology from Columbia University and then returned to China with a dream to improve Chinese patients’ health.




简介:Pacific Technologies Consulting Group (太平洋科技咨询) 创始人及总裁,Speaker, Coach, 前微软移动产品大中华区总监。1998年赴美留学,获MBA和金融双硕士学位,现居住西雅图,频繁往返中美之间。从事高科技行业20余年,曾在微软、HP、EMC和IDC等多家跨国公司任职,负责产品研发、市场调研和营销,管理过多项互联网产品与服务在全球市场的调研、研发、上市及推广业务,及十余项新产品的规划及研发。现担任多家中、美企业顾问,提供企业战略规划,组织转型,领导力和管理人才培养,美中商业文化,产品研发和策划,产品创新与管理,市场营销方面的培训与咨询。