024.(LV1-4)Changed MS-B

2018-07-20 11:43:01 6.3万

Okay. Welcome to mini story B for Changed. In this mini story I will ask questions you know and I
will also ask questions you don't know. If you don't know the answer you must guess. You must
guess. Okay. Let's start.
What was the woman's name? Ah, that's easy. Her name was Grace. Right. Grace. The woman's
name was Grace. What was her husband's name? Was it Buford or Tom? Her husband's name
was Buford. Of course, her husband's name was Buford. What was her name? Hmm. Her name
was Grace. And what was his name? His name was Buford.
Okay, Buford and Grace had been married 39 years. But they had a problem. What was their prob-
lem? Ahh, no affection. Right. No more affection. Their problem was that there was no affection
from Buford. Who didn't show affection? Ah, Buford. Buford didn't show affection. What didn't
Buford do? Hmm. Buford didn't show affection. When didn't Buford show affection? Well, never.
Never. Did he show affection in the morning? Noo, he didn't show affection in the morning. Did he
show affection at night? No, he didn't show affection at night. Did he show affection in the after-
noon? No, he didn't. Buford never showed affection to Grace.
Where did they live? Well, they lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Did he show affection to Grace in
Phoenix? Noo, he didn't. Did he show affection to Grace in San Francisco? Nope. No, not in San
Francisco. He never showed affection to Grace.
How many children did they have? They had four children. Did they have two children? No, they
had four children.
Were they seeing a therapist? Yes, they were seeing a therapist. What was the therapist's name?
The therapist's name was Dr. Phil. Was the therapist's name Dr. Phil? Yes, the therapist's name
was Dr. Phil. Who was the therapist? The therapist was Dr. Phil.
What did the therapist tell Buford and Grace? Ahhh, Dr. Phil told Buford and Grace to go to a nude
beach. Hmm. Nude N U D E, nude means no clothes. No clothes. Not wearing clothes. No shirts.
No pants. Nothing. Nude. Nude, no clothes. And a beach B E A C H. Right. Beach has sand and
sun and water. Right. Next to the ocean. Next to the ocean. So a nude beach is a beach where
people do not wear clothes. No clothes. Ahh. So Dr. Phil told them to go to a nude beach. Where
did Dr. Phil tell them to go? He told them to go to a nude beach. Who did Dr. Phil tell to go to a
nude beach? Ahhh, Grace and Buford. He told Grace and Buford to go to a nude beach.
When did he want them to go? Ahh. He wanted them to go on New Year's Day. New Year's Day.
Okay. It's January 1st. January number 1. Right. January 1st. He wanted them to go to a nude
beach on January 1st. Which nude beach did he want them to go to? Hmm. Did he want them to
go to a Los Angeles nude beach or to an Alaska nude beach? Of course, Alaska. Alaska. You
know, very cold. Is Alaska hot or is Alaska cold? Alaska is very cold. Alright, next to Canada. It's
very cold. Did he want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska? Yes he did. Dr. Phil wanted them to
go to a nude beach in Alaska. Hmm. When did Dr. Phil want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska?
Ahhh, New Year's Day, January 1st. Dr. Phil wanted them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on
January 1st.
Who did Dr. Phil want to go to Alaska, to a nude beach on January 1st? Ahhh, Buford and Grace.
He wanted Buford and Grace to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st. Do they wear clothes
at a nude beach? No, no, no one wears clothes at a nude beach or on a nude beach. Do people
wear shirts on a nude beach? Nooo, no, no, no. Do people wear pants on a nude beach? Noooo.
Do people wear socks on a nude beach? S O X sox. Nooooooo. Do people wear underwear,
underwear, do people wear underwear on a nude beach? Noooo. People do not wear underwear
on a nude beach. Are people naked N A K E D? Are people naked on a nude beach? Yes, yes
they are. They are naked. They have no clothes.
Why did Dr. Phil want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st? Why? Obviously
because it's very, very cold. Because it's very cold. Why does, why did, I'm sorry. Why did Dr. Phil
want them to be cold? Why did Dr. Phil want them to be cold on a nude beach? Ahhh, obviously so
they would hug each other. Ahhhh, very obvious, obviously. So they would hug each other. If they
were cold then they would hug each other. Right. If they are cold then they will hug each other. Dr.
Phil wanted them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st because they would be cold and
then they would hug each other. Ahhhhhhh, interesting.
Did Dr. Phil want them to hug each other? Yes, yes he did. Did Dr. Phil want them to hug each
other in Alaska? Yes, he did. Where did Dr. Phil want them to hug? In Alaska. He wanted them to
hug each other in Alaska. Who did he want to hug each other in Alaska on January 1st? Who? Ah.
Buford and Grace. Dr. Phil wanted Buford and Grace to hug each other on a nude beach in Alaska
on January 1st.
Did this help Buford and Grace? Yeess, it did. It helped Buford and Grace. Did it solve their prob-
lem? Solve S O L V E, solve. Did is solve their problem? Yeess, yes, they hugged each other on
the nude beach in Alaska on January 1st. Yeeaah. They hugged each other.
Are they happy now? Now. Right. Are they happy now? Yeess, now they are happy. Now Buford
and Grace are happy again.
Okay, that's all. Listen to this mini story several times, many, many times. Answer all the questions.
Okay. See ya next time. Bye, bye.




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听友380621524 回复 @那谁23



It sound easy,so i jusr spend 3 days


The best way to learn English.















