金城 武 (附带文稿)Takeshi Kaneshiro - TALK ASIA [CNN]

2018-11-26 08:00:02 3881

金城武(Takeshi Kaneshiro)中日混血 [1-2] ,1973年10月11日出生于台湾台北市, [3] 演员、歌手 [4] 。
15岁时因拍摄广告而进入演艺圈。1992年录制第一张个人大碟,其后相继发行十余张专辑。1994年金城武出演王家卫的电影《重庆森林》《堕落天使》涉足影坛 [5] 。1998年,金城武将演艺重心转向日本,凭借日剧《神啊!请多给我一点时间》获得日本第18届日剧学院赏最佳男主角。同年出演电影《不夜城》获得第41届日本电影蓝丝带奖最佳男主角提名,其后先后相继主演张艾嘉的《心动》、叶锦鸿的《薰衣草》、杜琪峰的《向左走向右走》等电影。2004年,金城武首次与内地导演合作出演张艺谋的电影《十面埋伏》 [6] 。其后又相继出演陈可辛的《如果.爱》《投名状》《武侠》,刘伟强的《伤城》,吴宇森的《赤壁》《太平轮》。2015年,接拍由王家卫监制的电影《摆渡人》 [7] ,获得第54届台湾金马奖最佳男主角提名,2016年,主演陈可辛执导的爱情片《喜欢你》 [8] 。2017年,主演由麦浚龙执导的警匪片《风林火山》 [9] 。


distant oh-oh

welcome back to Talk Asia our guest is

the actor Takeshi Kaneshiro Takeshi

we're now for you you're you're young

and your careers - what ambitions do you

have in mind at the moment keep acting

whenever there is chance and the

opportunity because I think the stration

is I think something's changing around

us like for example this movie there

were called cooperation between

countries and great starts from other

countries like many people gathered from

many different countries to do

awkward so maybe just because um China


Kasane is a big market for every company

and so for us actors like this or the

photographers or directors we will we

may have more chances to work with

different people different countries

people and which is which would be very

interesting something that we there will

be more and more movies that we never

seen before and that's exciting I think

is there anything about Hollywood that

excites you Hollywood I love Hollywood

movies a lot and but as an audience but

I've seen many great actors from Asia


to have opportunity in Hollywood most of

all that Caucasian maybe the way they

think Asian this is very narrow the

space very small that we want we

wouldn't have many different kind of

characters or background in the role so

so so I didn't feel so um interesting in

that way I would like to be as a normal

audience to watch how the book will be

more to jumping and act in Hollywood but

thinks things are changing now because

maybe like I said that there will be

more for corporations in Asia or Europe

or Hollywood what you think of a film

like memoirs aggregation which has

Chinese people playing Japanese

characters in English for a world

audience as a Japanese as well I think

it's great honor that you know a story

from Japan to be who could have the

tension in in other countries and even

how they would spend money to industry

to make beautiful movies about geisha

this Jeff Japanese culture I think is

great but personnel performer for mine

for me so I would like to watch in

Japanese for here in Japanese and

targeting Japanese okay sir some people

have said that Hollywood has become a

bit stale

the box office returns are dwindling

that's it's not the powerhouse that it

was do you feel that as someone working

in film do you feel Hollywood has not so

many fresh things to say that perhaps

there might be more interesting things

being said perhaps here in Asia I don't

know because I really enjoyed the movie

from Hollywood just because I think

movies are entertainment

no matter it's something funny or

something really great or cry a very

sharp or scary but Hollywood is a dream

for everybody and they they always have

the best what newest skills that people

would want to watch because they will

learn maybe they were just copy but some

something that people people are

watching always watching

in terms of Hollywood use you watch the

movies do you have favorite movies

favorite directors favorite actors many

many Johnny Depp Tom Hank you know

they're they're great they're movies

that I would just watch over and over

when I have time and I don't know why so

there they have the magic how do we had

a magic as an actor yourself when you

get to the stage where you're looking

back on your career how would you define

success myself I think I I I should I

saw act more especially for these years

that will period for me that way why

don't you why are you doing just one

movie for a year and I said well I I

didn't I didn't make this happen it's

only because the

so there wasn't you know really good

stories that I feel like I wanted to do

but if you're like yeah maybe I should

pray more and more which success be an

Oscar an Academy Award well I hope so

but it it's already a great honor that

they can mention us our movies it's

great enough but yeah sure if we could

get something optional of the extra

would be great

okay well however you define it I'm sure

you'll get it thanks very much for Jacob

and Caucasia our guest has been Takeshi

Kaneshiro I'm human


maintaining 102 system you know market

standing ovation

it isn't cooking pork everybody was like

oh right sorry


















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