The Halloween pumpkin[福说英语][18-10-24]

2018-10-24 20:30:00 187


Good afternoon guys ! welcome back to English Panorama.


我们先看文章标题:Trick and treat: how to eat leftover Halloweenpumpkin

其中的Trick and treat 就很有意思,相信大家都知道万圣节,讨要糖果的小孩常常会说:“不给糖就捣蛋”也就是“trick or treat”

但是在文中的Trick and treat 成皓是这样解读的:一半是万圣节有趣的恶作剧,另一半则是如何处理狂欢过后,食物的大量浪费的局面。  好,我们接着看文章

When carving your pumpkin thisHalloween, consider the eerie fact that more than 18,000tonnes of them will end up in landfill afterwards. The environmental impact – the land, water and energy devoted to farming the fruit for monthson end makes such quantities seem obscene. Accordingto the charity Hubbub, wecould feed a portion of pumpkin pie to the UK population five times over withwhat we chuck, which is why theyre calling for us toplate up our pumpkin guts this year, meaning the flesh and seeds inside. But what can you do with them sothat they dont go to waste?


eerie :adj. 可怕的;怪异的 比较级 eerie,eerier最高级 eerie,eeriest

environmental impact:环境影响

impact n.


affect & effect & influence 


例句:How doesinterest rate affect the price of bonds?  利率如何影响债券的价格?

2、effect名词(可数或不可数)affecthave an effect oneffect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。

例句:This will havea negligible effect on the temperature.  这对温度的影响将是微乎其微的。


例句:This event hada pernicious influence on society.  这件事情对社会造成了有害的影响。


Get seedy ...

Arguably, seeds in their entirety have the most versatility. Roberta Hall-McCarron, chef at the Little Chartroom in Edinburgh,advises: “Wash then dry them in an oven at a low heat, about110C, for 10 minutes, then coat in a tiny amount of egg white. Pan fry gentlyuntil golden and crispy and scatter over pumpkin gnocchi or veg.”



versatility.n. 多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛

egg white 蛋白   egg yolk 蛋黄

Go Mexican ...

Despite itsabundance in the UK come October, the pumpkin’s truehome is Mexico. Not only did the Aztecs prize the pulp andseeds – chock-full of iron, calcium and vitamin B, zinc andmagnesium Thomasina Miers, in her book Mexican Food Made Simple, recommendsmaking a mole, by toasting the seeds for 4-5 minutes on a medium heat, grindingthem to a paste, then adding chillies, garlic, coriander, chives and olive oil.


尽管到了10月份,南瓜在英国的数量会很多,但它真正的家还是在墨西哥。阿兹特克人不仅将富含铁、钙、维生素B、锌和镁的果肉和种子作为生存的奖赏,而且他们还将这些果肉和种子置于“死亡之日”的先导 托马斯娜·迈尔斯(Thomasina Miers)在她的《墨西哥菜做得简单》一书中建议,做一颗痣,方法是在中火上烤4-5分钟,把种子磨成糊状,然后加入辣椒、大蒜、香菜、韭菜和橄榄油。

不说了不说了成皓已经快馋死了,再说就要忍不住点夜宵了,好的,以上就是今天福说英语的全部内容,我们下期节目再见,bye bye~

