Just Love It![福说英语][20-05-20]

2020-05-20 23:20:26 290

Today is a happy day! Everydayis a happy day! Hello everyone, welcome to English Panorama~ I’m Daisy, nice tosee u! 各位朋友你们好,我是小鸡,欢迎来到福说英语。

这绝对是一期特别的节目,因为在特殊时期,迎来了特别的日期。今天是5月二十号,a day for love。在这样的一天,我想说的是,just love it!


Recently, Iusually check the English interpre’tation of the words as inspiring by afavorite blogger.

那其中“爱”这个词的释义是什么呢?Love-a strongfeeling of deep affection for somebody or something。就是对某人或者某物产生的一种强烈情感。

我觉得呢,这个释义很贴切,因为爱本身就是一种很强烈的情感。Love is a strongemotion. On that note, it can be described by other abjectives, which can be “mature and romantic”, or “naive and pure”.在这个基调上,它还可以被冠上很多形容词,可以是成熟浪漫的爱,也可以是天真纯粹的爱。


Next,I wanna share a clip fromthe movie《Love Actually》.片段里面的是一个叫Sam的小男孩,他在描述自己fall in love时的心情,我相信这就是一种天真纯粹的爱,让我们一起来感受一下。


This is myfavorite clip, which makes me feel that no matter how old we are, just don'tlose the ability to love and express love bravely.


我是个很热衷于表达爱的人,常常腻着妈妈说我爱你。I am a very keento express love, always bothering my mother to say “I love you”。


在中文里不乏表达这层意思的词组诗句,那英文里有没有呢? 今天来分享两种英语表达,用来优雅地说“某人或者某事很重要”。


  第一个是value,value这个词,我们最熟悉的是它的名词形式,可以翻译为“价值”。但它还有一个非常常用的动词形式,表示重视某人或者某事,可以这么说: value somebodyand something. 我们还可以在整个句子后面加个副词用来加深重视程度,比如valuesomething/sb highly.比如,我很重视你的感受--I value your feelinghighly。

*We cannot stress the importanceof doing sth too much

第二个,是一个句型:我们再怎么强调做某事的重要性都不为过。举一个例子,(我)怎么强调爱你都不过分--I cannot stressthe importance of loving you too much.这里的”stress”,我们可以替换成“emphasize”,“highlight”等其他表达重视的词。

我们常常会说到爱这个字,那么如何去爱呢--我的感悟是,尝试着发现爱、记录爱。We often saylove, but how to love? Try to find and record it.

有一回我蜷在沙发上看电视,突然瞥见妈妈在旁边坐了很久。Once I curled upon the sofa watching TV, and I saw my mother sitting nearby for a long time.She was fliping the albums. And she took out one or two photos to rub and rub.Then turned to the back to see the words written at that time. Sometimes it wasthe place, sometimes it was just a date. At that moment, I felt that there wasa sweet and loving atmosphere around my mother.我一时觉得妈妈周围散发着甜味,充满爱的气息。

我突然觉得,爱是需要记录下来的。在这个快节奏的时代,比起过去的人,我们好像多了很多快乐来源. In thisfast-paced era, compared with people in the past, it seems that we have a lotof sources of happiness. 但快乐的感觉总是来去匆匆,不会在生活里留下太多的痕迹,想要回忆,好像只剩下一种淡淡的感觉了. The feeling ofhappiness is always in a hurry, not leaving much traces in life. If you want torecall, nothing left.

我相信不会只有我发现这一点,因为我看到在我的身边就有很多去记录生活、记录爱的有心人。I firmly believethat I will not be the only one to find that, because many people around me,they record love in their life frequently.


我后来知道了,这叫做手账。It called handaccount.I can imagine that after decades, the owners open these hand accounts,rub them, and feel the happiness at that time, just like my mother flippingthrough the album, looking at the life and stories.



很高兴能够在这个美好的日子里,跟大家一起分享这些美好的事情。I'm glad to sharethese wonderful things with you on this wonderful day. 祝愿你常常被爱包围,做一个心中有爱的人。

好了,本期节目到这里就要结束啦,那么我们下次再见啦! That’s alltoday, see u next time, bye ya~



