
2019-09-06 12:36:16 10.3万

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The rise in popularity of the comfy shoe


Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Dan.


Neil: Let me just sit down. Ah! And I'm Neil.


Dan: Neil, are you wearing high heels?


Neil: Hang on. Ah! Not any more!


Dan: How did they feel?


Neil: Agony! How do women do this?


Dan: Why on earth are you wearing them?


Neil: Well, I wanted to look fashionable and cool! Everyone knows that high heels are the height of fashion – on the street, at work and at parties. I'm ready for anything!


Dan: I'm not so sure you're right there, Neil. Our topic for this 6 Minute English is about the rise in popularity of the comfy shoe. However, before we step into that, let's have our quiz question. Which famous sports clothing company's first pair of running shoes was inspired by the square pattern on a waffle-making machine? Was it: a) Adidas b) Nike, or c) Puma


Neil: Well, I have no idea, so I'm going to say Adidas because that's got marks.


Dan: We'll have to wait until later to find out. So, what do you think of when I say comfy shoes?


Neil: Well, comfy is an adjective which is an informal way of saying 'comfortable'. So, I suppose we're talking trainers. But I was always told that trainers weren't appropriate for everywhere, like work and many formal or social places, such as parties, bars and clubs.


Dan: Well, that certainly used to be the case, but that may not be as true any more. Victoria Moss is the Senior Fashion Editor at the Telegraph newspaper in the UK. Here she is speaking on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour about why trainers are considered more fashionable these days. Is it something that's happened very recently?

维多利利亚·莫斯是英国电讯报的高级时尚编辑。在BBC广播4频道Woman's Hour节目中她讲述了为何如今运动鞋被认为才是更时尚的鞋子。是最近发生的事情吗?

Victoria Moss


Well I think it's been, sort of, coming on for a while. And I think one thing in fashion in the last 10 years has been a, sort of, mass casualisation of everything. And there's been a big streetwear trend, which has filtered through.


Dan: So, is it something that's happened very recently?


Neil: Apparently not, no. She said that there has been a mass casualisation of things over the last 10 years. Casualisation here means 'the process of becoming less formal and more relaxed' – 'more casual'.


Dan: Yes! Society has relaxed its idea of what is considered formal or appropriate. In addition, we're told there has been a big streetwear trend. Streetwear is a style of casual clothing worn especially by young people from urban settings – that's the city.

是的! 社会放宽了什么才正式或得体的概念。此外,我们听说街头风流行起来了。街头风是一种休闲穿衣风格,特别是来自城市的年轻人的穿着打扮。

Neil: This trend has filtered through. If something filters through, it appears or happens gradually over time.

这种潮流已经出现。如果某事物"filters through",它会随着时间的推移逐渐出现或发生。

Dan: So, presumably, the trend for streetwear filtered through from its specialised area into mainstream fashion until everyone was following it.


Neil: Well, that explains why trainers are more fashionable these days, but it doesn't explain why people are wearing them more. Not everyone follows fashion, you know.


Dan: Yes, Neil I can see that when I look at you. But you're forgetting the comfy part. Emma Supple is a podiatrist – a foot doctor - who also spoke on Woman's Hour. Here she is explaining why being comfy is so important. What are people doing more these days that they weren't before?

是的,尼尔,看看你我就能知道。但你忘记了舒适这部分。艾玛 ·苏普拉是一名足病医生——一名足科医生——她也在Woman's Hour节目发言。在这里她解释了为什么舒适如此重要。人们以前不常做但如今常做的事是什么?

Emma Supple


So what we're actually talking about is, actually, people, for wellness walking more and doing more… and they're not going to do that in a lot of high heels… so trainers are changing the materials. There are now a lot of fabric trainers and if you've inherited foot problems, then that kind of fabric… they're wrapping around knobbly bits, and knobbly bits hurt.


Dan: What are people doing more?


Neil: They're walking more and they're doing it for wellness. Wellness is the state of being healthy.

他们走的更多,而且他们那么做是为了健康。“Wellness” 是指健康的状态。

Dan: As a result, trainers have had to change their materials to fabric to make themselves more comfortable.


Neil: Not only that, but if you have any foot problems, these fabric, or cloth, trainers are better at fitting to the shape of your foot. That means if you have any knobbly bits, they won't hurt as much, which makes trainers more comfortable for everyone!


Dan: Knobbly is an adjective that means 'lumpy' – 'hng many raised areas on the surface'.


Neil: So, it's the combination of a change in fashion and a change in materials that's made trainers and other comfy shoes more popular than ever, right?


Dan: Exactly! And hard on the heels of that revelation, we can reveal the answer to our quiz question. Earlier I asked which famous sports clothing company's first pair of running shoes was inspired by the square pattern on a waffle-making machine. Was it: a) Adidas b) Nike, or c) Puma. Neil, you said?


Neil: I said Adidas


Dan: Sorry. The answer is Nike. In 1971 their co-founder Bill Bowerman was hng breakfast when he saw the waffle machine and it inspired the design of Nike's first running shoe. Let's hope it was comfy one.


Neil: Aha! It must be time to review our vocabulary! So, first we had comfy – an adjective which is an informal ways of saying 'comfortable'.


Dan: Then we had casualisation. This describes the process of things, such as fashion or behour, becoming less formal and more casual.


Neil: Next was streetwear. That describes a style of casual clothing that is worn especially by young people who live in cities.


Dan: Then we heard filtered through. If something filters through, it appears or happens gradually over time. For example, has it filtered through to you yet, Neil, that high heels were a mistake?

然后我们听到了"filtered through"。如果某事物"filtered through",它会随着时间的推移逐渐出现或发生。例如,尼尔,事到如今,你有没有发现高跟鞋是一个错误?

Neil: Yes it has! They didn't do anything for my wellness, I can tell you, which means'the state of being healthy'.


Dan: And lastly, we had knobbly. This adjective means 'lumpy' or 'hng many raised areas on the surface' - like skin when it gets cold. Do you have anything knobbly on your foot, Neil?

最后我们学了"knobbly"。这个形容词的意思是"凹凸不平的"或"表面有许多凸起的区域"—— 就像冷的时候的皮肤一样。尼尔,你脚上有什么凸起的地方吗?

Neil: Probably! My feet are killing me!


Dan: I think we've found your Achilles heel! However, it's time to go. But we will be back. In the meantime, you can find us in all the usual places online and on social media, just look for BBC Learning English. Bye for now.


Neil: Goodbye!





还以为Dan口误说成He...she is,原来是Here she is啊😂😂😂最优秀的主播



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