
A lot of things can be completed in two years, you are not too old for the things you were dreaming of doing when you were a kid. You can still do extreme sports if you wish to, you can start playing a music instrument. You can become a photographer...and I started playing piano before 10 years. And now I start to live show.

We can't connect the dots looking forward; we can only connect them looking backwards. So we have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in our future. We have to trust in something - our gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.



简介:天使爱唱歌,喜欢钢琴、英语、旅行,运动。直播时间:工作日晚8:00开播 ,周末早10:00开播,其它时间随缘。愿天使干净,空灵的声音陪伴你左右,送你清晨一缕阳光,一丝温柔。 Que Sera Sera