Iron maiden|铁娘子乐队|重金属音乐


Iron Maiden,1976年组建于英国伦敦,是重金属乐队的杰出代表。1979年乐队发行了第一张EP专辑《The soundhonse Tapes》。1981年,乐队推出了第二张专辑《Killers》,成为全世界最有现场感染力的乐队之一。后来一直保持活力。2009年2月,成军已经33年之久的铁娘子乐队得到了全赢大奖的“最佳现场乐队”奖项。铁娘子的音乐是尖锐的吉他,咆哮和演唱和多变的节奏的重度混合,深受“深紫”和“黑色安息日”及朋克音乐的影响。


iron maiden - aces high.mp3

iron maiden - blood brothers.mp3

iron maiden - brave new world.mp3

iron maiden - can i play with madness.mp3

iron maiden - coming home.mp3

iron maiden - dance of death.mp3

iron maiden - different world.mp3

iron maiden - el dorado.mp3

iron maiden - fear of the dark.mp3

iron maiden - fear of the darklive.mp3

iron maiden - hallowed be thy name.mp3

iron maiden - minutes to midnight.mp3

iron maiden - no more lies.mp3

iron maiden - rainmaker.mp3

iron maiden - run to the hills.mp3

iron maiden - the number of the beast.mp3

iron maiden - the trooper.mp3

iron maiden - the wicker man.mp3

iron maiden - wasted years.mp3

iron maiden - where eagles dare.mp3
