Trevor Noah - Happy Birthday Song is Death Song

2020-03-11 07:12:4403:01 8815

崔娃(Trevor Noah)在The Daily Show的Between the Scenes环节中调侃生日快乐歌听起来一点也不快乐,更像是一首给死人唱的歌 ┐(─__─)┌ 


it's funny because i never grew up singing the traditional "happy birthday" song.

like it wasn't something in my life.
so my mom would either sing the stevie wonder "happy birthday".
and, like, you know (singing)there's that one.
and then there was another one that my mom found,
it was like a disney happy birthday.
it was donald duck's birthday.
and disney made their own version.
i think it was, like, in 1988 or something,
and it was just like(singing),
so she sang that song to me when i first remember birthdays,
like when i could remember the song, that's how my mom always sang it to me.
she'd be like (singing)
and then i'd be there like, yeah!
that's the birthday song, right?
so now i'm like four years old, five years old, six years old,
and i start going to kindergarten and all of that,
and then we get there,
and then the teacher comes in like, we're gonna sing happy birthday
and they turn off the lights and on the candles,
and it's like, everyone sing along,
and then they're like (singing)
and then she's like no, what are you dong?
she's like, you're singing it wrong.
and then i was, that's the birthday song.
and they're like, no, trevor, clearly you don't know it.
we're just singing together. 
everyone, together now.
it's like, ready?
i was like, this is the most depressing shit.
it is the saddest song.
cause when you've sang the happy birthday song your whole life it seems normal.
when you grew up with high paced, 
you're like that's...
and so now, even today, when i see people sing,
it doesn't seem like fun at all.
like it seems, think about it this way,
if you told someone from another culture,
let's say they never experienced happy birthday,
you could think it was like a death song.
like, like, a song about you're one year closer to death.
imagine if you didn't speak english at all,
and you'd never heard the song ever in your life, right?
you wouldn't know what they're singing.
just think of the tone and the pitch of the song.
so like, everyone gathers around someone, 
and they, like, sit down,
and they turn off the lights, and then someone comes out with a candle,
like candles on a cake,
blow out the candles, which means death,
that's what it basically means.
you're extinguishing your life.




Just like him sooooooooooooO much 🤣🤣🤣


即使第N次听还是很好笑 在公交车上笑的不行了





特雷弗·诺亚(Trevor Noah)



Daily Show with Trevor Noah



我爱英语 l 崔娃每日秀 Trevor Noah

