5个你要读书的理由-5 Reasons Why You Need To Read Books Everyday

2022-05-01 15:33:0304:42 234

In this video we look at reading benefits and 5 reasons why you need to read books everyday and the amazing benefits of reading. It's unlikely you question why you need to read everyday, but the benefits of reading books are plentiful, so look at these top tips to learn why. Reading will help your self help, personal development and personal growth, so be sure to follow Practical Inspiration on why reading is beneficial and why you should read! 

 Below is a summary of the video: 

1. Stimulate Your Brain- Imagine the brain is like a muscle, when you exercise a muscle it stays stronger and healthier, which over the course of your life means you're likely to feel stronger as you age- The brain is the same, the more you keep mentally stimulated, the less likely you'll suffer from issues such as Alzheimer's and Dementia- That's because you're exercising the brain when stimulating it, and reading is one of the best ways to do this, as well as other mental exercises- It doesn't matter what you read specifically, though learning and reading fiction can often benefit you the most, the key is just to read regularly 

2. Improve Memory- Reading can often help your memory and the amazing thing is, it's not limited to any specific genre or type of book either- For example, reading a book where you are learning is obviously going to benefit your memory as you learn new facts and skills while reading- However, equally valuable is reading fiction for example, as you have to remember about characters, backgrounds, history and details, such as their motivations- The thing is, all of this pushes the brain to help you develop your memory, helping you to contextualize what you are reading and remmeber it- Just like stimulating the brain, this can help improve your long term memory and slows down the process of degeneration of the brain with age 

3. Improve Concentration- Our world, especially with the Internet today, is full of distractions that causes us to lose focus throughout the day, especially as we have constant notifications vying for our attention- This lack of focus actually increases stress and lowers our productivity, but reading a book can actually help you change this behaviour- That's because when reading, you have to focus on what it is you're trying to read, and for most of us we have to read for a prolonged period of time for us to progress as much as we want to through the book- Therefore, the act of reading will actually help you improve focus and concentration, helping you ignore distractions and importantly, reduce stress as a result 

4. Improve Vocabulary- Hardly a shock, but reading frequently will help to grow and expand your vocabulary and to use previously unknown words on a more frequent basis- This is because as you read you expose yourself to a whole range of words that you may not have been aware of previously, naturally increasing your vocabulary- All of which can help improve your communication skills, whether written or spoken, as you can better articulate points you want to make and feel more confident about yourself- Likewise, if you're learning a new language, one of the best ways to learn and gain exposure to new words is to read as much in that language as possible 

5. Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills- When you read you learn to develop stronger analytical thinking skills, whereby you can learn to mentally take note of details that will help you answer other questions you might have later- For example, imagine you're reading a book with a mystery, by developing these skills through reading more, you might find you learn to pick up details that help you answer the mystery before the end- This also applies to learning, the more you read, the more you can learn to put pieces of information together to help you find solutions to problems- For example, a huge part of marketing is understanding human psychology, and if you read about human behaviour, you might be able to use that knowledge to come up with more powerful marketing campaignsMusic provided by HearWeGo 

Artist: Muted Colour 

Title: Arrival 

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