Just give it a shot[福说英语][20-12-30]

2022-09-16 06:10:1515:13 200


Hello everyone,welcome to English Panorama!This is Abby,nice to see you!各位好啊,欢迎来到福说英语。我是Abby。这是我第二次和大家在这里见面啦!

Recently I often heard such words around me as "I have been working for a long time today.I'm worn out."or“I'm up to my ears!I didn't even sleep last night.”Well, actually,I often feel that way these days.Now the deadlines are near and I still haven't finished one of two projects.在我身边,常常能听到这样的话“今天工作好久,我累死了。”或者是“我忙得不得了,昨晚根本就没睡觉。”哎,其实呢,我也感同身受,最近好多的工作和作业,有两个任务期限就要到了,我一个都没做完呢。

As you can see,many people are under a lot of pressure.According to scientific research,if stress is not handled properly,it can lead to eating disorders.像你所看到的那样,很多人都在承受着非常大的压力。据研究,如果没有正确处理好生活中的压力,或者是焦虑的情绪,有的人就会导致饮食失调。

People with eating disorders use food to deal with uncomfortable or painful emotions.Restricting food is used to feel in control.Overeating temporarily soothes sadness,anger,or loneliness.饮食失调的人用食物来应对不舒服或痛苦的情绪。这些食物确实不能解决问题本身,但却给人们提供了一个逃避问题,享受短暂快乐的契机,从而通过暴饮暴食来暂时缓解悲伤、愤怒或孤独这些不良的情绪体验。

Eating disorders often fill an important role in the person’s life—a way to cope with unpleasant emotions—so the temptation can be strong.Over time, people with an eating disorder lose the ability to see themselves objectively and obsessions over food and weight come to dominate everything else in their lives. Their road to recovery begins by identifying the underlying issues that drive their eating disorder and finding healthier ways to cope with emotional pain.饮食失调通常在一个人的生活中扮演着重要的角色——一种应对不愉快情绪的方式——所以它的诱惑力会很强。随着时间的推移,患有饮食失调症的人会失去客观看待自己的能力,对食物和体重的痴迷会主宰他们生活中的其他一切。所以,他们的康复之路就要从发现饮食失调的病因开始,并找到更健康的方法来应对情感痛苦。

In addition to eating disorders,in an era when every aspect of society was accelerating and the fierce competition was increasing,there is less and less room for people to relax and vent their emotions.More than often,"standing up to pressure and pushing forward" has become the only choice for people.There is a group of "invisible" patients. Instead of looking tired and gaunt,they greet people with a happy smile every day,as if everything was going on as usual.But no one knows what kind of struggle they are having with their dark, repressed,miserable selves behind their smiles.除了饮食失调,在社会环境高速变化、竞争日益激烈的今天,越来越难让人们放松和宣泄自己的情绪,更多的时候,“顶住压力、硬着头皮向前冲”成了人们唯一的选择。与那些常常眉头紧缩,看上去憔悴不堪的人不同,他们的脸上每天都带着微笑,仿佛一切如常。但没有人知道,在这些开心的笑容背后,他们正在与那个黑暗压抑、痛苦不堪的自己,一直在进行着残忍的博弈。 

They hide their true feelings and use the smile as a mask.Their smiles are actually a defense mechanism. 他们隐瞒自己的真实感受,将微笑当成自己的面具。事实上,他们的笑容是一种防御机制。

Anxiety is like a layer of fog.When shrouded by it,people's cognitive function and judgment ability are greatly affected.At this time, people cannot make accurate judgments about the objective reality,dangerous situation and their own abilities.It's easy to feel the emotions that I can't do anything.焦虑就像一层大雾,被它吞没时,人的认知功能、判断能力受到很大影响,无法对外在客观现实、危险情境和自己的能力做出准确的判断。这时候人很容易体会到孩童期的情绪,觉得自己什么都不行,什么也做不了,自尊,自我价值感等受到严重的威胁。这就产生了心理防御。

Psychological defense is like the shell against the merciless wind and waves in their lives.
前段时间有人给我推荐了一部奥斯卡获奖影片,叫做Good Will Hunting,《心灵捕手》。

其实,在影片最后我才知道原来威尔的全名叫Will Hunting,他的名字暗示着他一直在寻找自己的自由意志,而这其实也是他追求人格成熟,脱掉心理防御外壳的过程。很有意思的是,片名也是双关,因为good will在英语里还有善意的意思。比如Hey,friends, in this time of happiness, joy and good will will  accompany you!朋友,在这幸福的时光里,快乐和美好会永远陪伴着你!

Will is an intelligent but lonely man learning to be loved and love others; “hunting” for the correct direction of his life through the things he experienced and the people around him.威尔是一个聪明却孤僻的男孩,一直在尝试着学会被爱和爱别人;通过自己所经历的事情和身边的人,寻找自己人生的正确方向。

He has four friends who want to help him,but he resists their help because it pushes him into abandoning all of his old,sick,defense mechanisms.他有四个很想帮助他的朋友,但是他一直在反抗这些帮助,因为这逼迫他抛弃所有陈旧的、病态的、不正常的防御机制。

在心理治疗的过程中,除了很出名的那句“It’s not your fault.”,让我印象非常深的是Sean说的一句话Now you can know everything in the world sport,but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot.那我们来看这句话是什么意思。Now you can know everything in the world sport,这里的sport,并不是 “运动“的意思了,算是口语里比较老式的用法,它取的意思是“朋友“,比如说你要祝你的好朋友生日快乐,你可以说Happy birthday,old sport。生日快乐,老朋友。

后面but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot但是却发现这些事情唯一的办法就是by giving it a shot 那give it a shot就是口语里面表示“试一试,尝试一下“这样的意思,等同于口语里面的have a go,这样的用法。


A: It would be so cool if I can win this contest.I don't think I'm good enough, though.
A: 要是我可以赢了这项比赛的话会有多好。但我不认为自己够好。

B: Give it a shot!You'll never know.
B: 试试看啊! 没试怎么会知道!

其实呢,give it a shot 是抛弃那些病态的、不正常的防御机制的一个非常好的方法。

For example,when a counsellor asks you to do a job you've never done before, and you're anxious to get it done,therefore there's a hidden worry in your heart, you even experience a very strong sense of helplessness.You may feel like you’re not competent,and you can't do anything.However,if you get away from the anxiety,then it will gradually become clear that you will know which departments you need to connect with and whom you can turn to for help,and you will complete the work step by step.例如,辅导员临时让你做一个以前从未处理的工作,但你对完成这份工作非常焦虑,内心里潜藏着担忧,甚至体验到非常强烈的无助感。你感觉无法胜任,什么都做不了。但是,如果从这种焦虑的情绪抽身而出,随后便会慢慢清晰起来,知道我需要和哪些部门对接,知道自己可以找哪些人帮忙,并一步步地去完成这个工作。

2020年就要接近尾声啦!面临考试周的你,准备好了吗?Take a crack at it,give it a shot right now.慢慢地打破那些不正常的心理防御机制,去探索“自我”海底两万里下隐藏的巨大山体吧!

最后呢,跟大家分享一个简单的英语绕口令:Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.无论是晴天或是阴天。无论是冷或是暖,不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。

好啦,本期节目到这里就要结束啦!Thank you for listening to English Panorama, This is Abby,see you next time.Bye~


Give Me Five






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