
2024-03-08 21:46:4404:58 11.5万

I didn't grow up with money. We weren't rich by any means. But I knew I wasn't going to college. I knew that wasn't reality and I didn't really want to go to college. One of the things that I was very lucky in my life with is I knew exactly what I wanted to do.


From the time I was a young age I knew I wanted to be in the fight business and people thought I was crazy. I worked in Boston at a place called the Boston Harbor Hotel. I was a bellman in there. I was 19 years old. I made good money. You know, there're some guys who get those jobs and those are the type of jobs they know they are lifers. They want those jobs forever.


It's a good job. It's not a bad job. Just wasn't for me and I was literally standing in the lobby one day and I'm like "What the hell am I doing here? What am I doing here? This isn't me. This isn't what I want."


And I walked out the front door and one of my good friends, he's still one of my good friends today, said "What are you doing?" I said "I'm quitting." 


When you get out of bed every morning, right, you get up out of bed, life is right standing there to kick you in the face. Ready, leg cocked, ready to go, to kick you in the face. Cause everyday when you get up, bad shits coming at you.


Forget about work, your personal life, everything. Cars don't start and this and that. Life is ready to get you. You know and you got to get up and you got to fight through that bullshit everyday. You have to. You got to fight through all the shit that life throws at you, then you get to a point where life's throwing a bunch of shit at you. Now works throwging a bunch of shit at you, you know, your business. That you have to fight for everyday and you have to get up. And you have to have that to get up and fight everyday, man.


Go for it. Just go for it. Believe me, I'm living proof that it can happen.


First of all, when you have a business idea, there's always gonna be detractors and people that think, you know, it won't work. You're always gonna have those people around you and in your life. Even when you're successful, believe me, it gets worse when you're successful.


Anything you do positive in your life and anything that's huge, it will immediately be surrounded by negativity,right? Immediately. Get ready for it because no matter how successful you become, one thing never goes away, negativity. Their opinion means nothing. It is literally in the opinion. It's negative bullshit. That means nothing to you. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't affect unless you're the type of sick, twisted type of person like me that like to let it fuel you. It's like you're, you know it's like your fuel and other than that, it's useless. It means nothing.


Do your thing. Stay on your course, stay focused and keep your eye on the prize and everything comes together. If you're looking for money, you're the wrong place already. You're not in the right place. I can't stand three-day weekends. I hate three-day weekends, man. I'm like I want Monday to come again. That's how much I love what I do.

做你自己的事情,保持在原来的轨道上,保持专注,把重心放在完成后的奖励上。 如果你只是一直想着找钱,那么你就错了,你没有站在正确的位置上。我不能忍受连着三天的周末,我讨厌连假的周末,老兄。我只希望星期一赶快到来,这是我热爱工作的程度。

If that's not your mentality every weekend when you're at home like you're dreading Monday, man stop, stop and get another job. Cuz you're at the wrong place. That's not healthy for you. At the end of the day, it's really about that you love what you're doing and it's about the journey, the people you're doing with it. that you're having fun. You're getting up everyday and you're all working towards the same goal whatever it might be. It's a very fulfilling feeling. It really is a very fulfilling feeling.


Because I've been where most people have been. I've been in the shitty job that you're just trying to pay your bills and you're trying to make ends meet and you're miserable...You're doing it because you have to do it, because you have to pay your bills, because you need money. Once you break out of that you find what it is you truly love to do, it's really not work. It's actually fun and you enjoy everyday of your life.


From what I've learned as I look back on my llife, everything in life is about timing. It really is about timing, the right time, the right place, the right everything and I also believe that you create your own timing in life too.


What's the worst thing that can happen if you try? If the day that I walked out of that hotel, right? And I went to do this, it doesn't work out. I can go back and be a bellman again whenever I want to. You can always go back and do that. The worst part is not trying, you have to try. Nobody's ever gonna do anything without trying.

你认为 如果去尝试最坏的结果会是什么?那天当我离开酒店的时候,然后我去做这个事情,如果成不了,我可以再回去当个门童,随时都可以。你随时都可以走回头路。最糟糕的是,你没去尝试,你必须要去尝试。不去尝试你什么也做不了。

It's never the right time. It's never the right time, it's like I can't now. I got this truck I just bought. I got payment on this freaking thing. You know I got this...If you do that to yourself, you'll never do anything! Gorget the truck, forget this, forget that. Go for it. Just go for it. Believe me, I'm living proof that it can happen.









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