Going on Vacation

2022-05-13 08:23:1302:53 46
Hi,this is Yovela. Welcome to my class. Today we're gonna talk about Going on Vacation .

Going on Vacation

Key Words:

bag toy blanket ball
bear food dog Good-bye

Story Part:

We put the bags in the car.
We put the toys in the car.
We put the blankets in the car.
We put the balls in the car.
We put the bears in the car.
We put the food in the car.
We put the dogs in the car.

Let's talk about Going on Vacation:

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
We like a trip to the beach.
We like a trip to the city.
We like a camping trip.

We put the bags in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
we put the bags in the car.

We put the toys in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
We put the toys in the car.

We put the blankets in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
We put the blankets in the car.

We put the balls in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
We put the balls in the car.

We put the bears in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
We put the bears in the car.

We put the food in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do put in the car?
We put the food in the car.

We put the dogs in the car.

Where are you going?
We're going on vacation by car.
What do you put in the car?
We put the dogs in the car.



Going Solo



We're Going on a Bear Hunt



We're Going On a Bear Hunt



We're Going on a Bear Hunt



We’re going on a bear hunt

