Muscles - 肌肉 (2)

2022-05-03 01:16:5808:35 7705
If you want, you can feel the fleshy belly of the biceps of your arm when you bend your elbow. Now try to lift the edge of a table with your palm and feel the biceps. It should be firmer, for it is contracting more strongly. Follow the fleshy belly toward the elbow and feel its cord-like tendon. When you want to feel a muscle, you always make it perform work so that its strongly contracted belly may be more easily detected.
The biceps, triceps or other kinds of skeletal muscles are also called voluntary muscles because they are under the control of our willpower. A voluntary muscle consists of a fleshy part or belly and ends in a cord-like sinew or tendon. The fleshy belly is attached to one bone while the tendon passes over a joint become firmly attached to the adjoining bone. Shortening of the fleshy part of the muscle produces movement at the joint by pulling on the tendon. The tendon itself does not change in length.
One end of the muscle must be fixed, or immobile, in order to produce movement at a joint. The movement the muscle performs is called the function of that muscle. The function of a muscle may be to contract, or shorten, to flex a bone. The length of the tendon remains the same. The attachment of the muscle, the non-moving or fixed end, is called the origin. The attached end, which moves during contraction, is called the insertion of the muscle.
Fleshy 肉的,多肉的
Belly 腹
Palm 手掌
Cord-like 索状的
Voluntary muscle 随意肌
Willpower 意志力
Sinew 腱
Tendon 腱
Adjoining 临接的
Immobile 稳定的,不动的
Flex 屈曲
Origin 肌起端
Insertion (肌肉的)附着,止端




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