
2022-07-15 00:35:3215:11 576



1.What does the man mean?

A.His article is quite long.                                                   B.Heis finishing the article.

C.He can’t finish the article on time.

2.How does the woman go back home today?

A.By bus.                               B.By subway.                       C.By car.

3.What does the man mean?

A.She can only use the English dictionary in the library.

B.She is welcome to use the English dictionary at any time.

C.She can borrow the English dictionary from the library.

4.Who is the girl coming up to the speakers?

  A.Lisa,the taller of twin sisters.                                           B.Linda,the taller of twin sisters.

  C.Lisa,the shorter of twin sisters.

5.What does the woman most likely mean?

A.They have different mail ways.                                         B.They have only one mail way.

C.She doesn’t know how to answer.




6.When will the plane take off?

A.At 4:30.                               B.At 5:00.                           C.At 5:30.

7.Where is the woman going?

A.To New York.                      B.To Washington.                 C.To New York then to Washington.

8.What is the woman probably going to do in Washington?

A.Go to work.                         B.Go to school.                    C.Stay with her sister.


9.What will the woman do at first after class?

  A.Pick up her brother.              B.Do some housework.         C.Do her homework.

10.What does the man want to do?

   A.Have a dinner.                    B.Listen to a concert.            C.Watch a movie.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

   A.They will go out for a movie.

   B.They might meet each other.

   C.They will play computer game together.


12.What time do you think the plane takes off?

   A.Five to ten.                         B.Five past ten.                    C.Five to eleven.

13.What is probably Tom?

   A.A student.                          B.A teacher.                         C.Headteacher.

14.Which month do you think it is now?

   A.July.                                  B.November.                       C.March.


15.What is the relationship between the speakers?

   A.Tourist and tour guide.                                                   B.Tourist and designer.

   C.Two tourists.

16.What can we know about the hotel?

A.The queen Cleopatra used to live there.

B.It is named after a well-known person.

C.It is the tallest building in the world.

17.What is true about the hotel room?

A.It’s far from the beach.[@做题家日记]

B.It provides a splendid view of the sea.

C.The temperature of the room is comfortable.


18.What is Enrique Iglesias?

   A.A singer.                            B.An actor.                          C.A writer.

19.Where is Natalie Port man from?

A.Korea.                               B.The US.                           C.Latin America.

20.What will Ahn talk about?

   A.His latest music and his wife.                                         B.His life and his future plans.

   C.His past experiences and feelings.


答案:1~5BCABA  6~10 ACBAC  11~15 BAABA 16~20 BBABC


Text 1

W:Walter,have you finished your article?Mr. Wilson’s waiting for it.

M:I shan’t be long.


W:Jim,thanks for giving me a ride home.After such a busy day,I really don’t like to spend 45 minutes on the subway.Thanks a lot.

M:You are welcome.


W:My English teacher suggested that I should come here to borrow an English dictionary.

M:Of course.You are welcome to use our dictionaries,but they can’t be taken out of the library.


M:Look,Lisa is coming up to us!

W:I am afraid you have got that mixed up.The girl is called Linda,the twin sister of Lisa.Haven’t you seen she is a bit taller than Lisa?


W:May I help you?

M:Yes.I’d like to mail this book to Washington.How quickly can you deliver it?

W:It depends on how you mail it.


M:I’d like to see you off,Jane,but I can’t get to the airport until five o’clock.

W:I’m afraid I’ll have left by then.My plane takes off at 4:30.

M:That’s bad!You’re going straight to Washington,aren’t you? [公众号@做题家日记]

W:No.I’m staying with my sister in New York.She isn’t there at the moment but she’ll have arrived by Monday morning.I’ll spend a couple of weeks with her and then go to Washington. Classes will already have started by then.

M:Well,I wish you good luck.


M:Susan,are you free after class this afternoon?

W:Hardly.I have to pick my brother up from football practice at 4:30 and my mom asked me to cook dinner for the family at 5:30.Then,I have to clean the dishes and finish reading my history homework.

M:Hey listen,why don’t I come over later in the evening,and we can watch a movie.

W:Oh,that’s great,but our video machine is broken.

M:Hum…Well;let’s just play a game or something.

W:That sounds good,but please give me a call before you come.My mom might try to 

come up with something else for me to do.


W:Hurry up,Mike!We have little time left.

M:Don’t worry.It’s just a quarter past nine now.

W:Yes,but our plane will takeoff in forty minutes.And it will take us at least thirty minutes to go there by bus. What is worse,we must go to school to take Tom.

M:No.You forget that we are using winter time now and the flight has been delayed for an hour from this Sunday on.

W:Oh,really?Have you seen the date on the tickets?

M:Sure.No doubt about that.

W:Oh,my dear!Then I’ll ride to meet Tom.OK?

M:No,there’s no need for us to go to meet him. I’ve phoned his head-teacher and he told me that Tom is on his way home.

W:What shall we do then?

M:Just stay here waiting.


W:Here we are,Mr.Harris.This is the hotel.Let’s get off our bus.

M:What a lovely place it is!Look at the design!This is one of the most beautiful hotels in the world I have ever seen.

W:Yes,it is.The hotel was named after a famous queen.

M:Really?Is it the well-known Cleopatra?

W:Exactly.You seem to know a lot about my country Egypt.

M:Oh.Egypt is the place I’ve been dreaming to come to visit during my whole life.

W:Then you will surely have a great time when staying here during this coming seven days.

M:I can’t wait to go to the beach.How far is it from here?

W:It’s a two-minute walk.Let me show you the route later.In fact you can enjoy the view of the sea from your room.



M:Tonight we have a very special show,ladies and gentlemen,with three guests who’ve recently had an effect on the worlds of music,film and sports.First up,we’ll have back with us hot Latin music star Enrique Iglesias. I’ll be talking with him about his latest CD,what life has been like for him since he was on our show last year.Next,I’ll be joined by American film actress,Natalie Port man. Although still only in her twenties,she already has many successes behind her,and I’ll be finding out what life was really like for her as a child star.Plus,we’ll also be discussing some of her future plans.My final guest today is Korean football star Ahn JungHwan. I’ll be asking him about his experiences at the 2002 World Cup.Already Ahn has been a player for several clubs around the world,so I’ll be finding out what he feels are the differences in playing in different countries.But first,a big welcome,please,ladies and gentlemen,for our first guest.Enrique Iglesias…



























