
2024-02-10 20:12:1502:11 6.2万



Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12. A) They always cost more than expected. C) They should be paid up by the attendees.
B) They are joyous and exciting occasions. D) They are dreams coming true to the brides.
13. A) It cost $60,000. C) It had eight guests only.
B) It was cancelled. D) It was held in Las Vegas.
14. A) Postpone her wedding. C) Keep to her budget.
B) Ask her friends for help. D) Invite more guests.
15. A) She called it romantic. C) She said she would think about it.
B) She welcomed it with open arms. D) She rejected it flatly



Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 
12. What does the speaker say about weddings?
A) They always cost more than expected.
13. What do we learn about the wedding of the Canadian woman Susan?
B) It was cancelled.
14. What did Susan's maid of honor advise her to do?
C) Keep to her budget.
15. How did Susan respond to her future husband's suggestion?
D) She rejected it flatly.




在家动动嘴 声音就能成为你的第二职业


《It seems like her wedding has now become a nightware》

交大JTer 回复 @交大JTer
