
2023-09-20 15:01:3005:15 5.9万

>Screen time linked with developmental delays in toddlers, study finds


Handing your baby a phone or tablet to play with may seem like a harmless solution when you’re busy, but it could quickly affect their development, a new study has found.


Having anywhere from one to four hours of screen time per day at age 1 is linked with higher risks of developmental delays in communication, fine motor, problem-solving and personal and social skills by age 2, according to a study of 7,097 children published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.


“It’s a really important study because it has a very large sample size of children who’ve been followed for several years,” said Dr. Jason Nagata, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, who wasn’t involved in the study.


The study measured how many hours children used screens per day at age 1 and how they performed in several developmental domains — communication skills, fine motor skills, personal and social skills, and problem-solving skills — at ages 2 and 4. Both measures were according to the mothers’ self-reports.

这项研究测量了儿童在 1 岁时每天使用屏幕的时间,以及他们在 2 岁和 4 岁时在几个发育领域(沟通技能、精细动作技能、个人和社交技能以及解决问题的技能)的表现。这两项测量都是根据母亲的自我报告进行的。

By age 2, those who had had up to four hours of screen time per day were up to three times more likely to experience developmental delays in communication and problem-solving skills.


Those who had spent four or more hours with screens were 4.78 times more likely to have underdeveloped communication skills, 1.74 times more likely to have subpar fine motor skills and two times more likely to have underdeveloped personal and social skills by age 2. By age 4, risk remained only in the communication and problem-solving categories.

那些与屏幕接触四小时或更多的儿童,到2岁时,其沟通能力发育不足的可能性要高出 4.78 倍,精细动作能力不足的可能性要高出 1.74 倍,个人和社交能力发育不足的可能性要高出两倍。到 4 岁时,风险只存在于沟通和解决问题方面。

“One of the areas that’s relatively understudied in the whole screen time literature is looking at impacts of screen exposure on very young kids, especially when screens are introduced to babies,” said Dr. John Hutton, associate professor of general and community pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, who wasn’t involved in the study. “It’s definitely a global concern, and I think the findings should apply to, really, other countries as well.”


The potential harms of screen time on communication skills may have to do with children being robbed of drivers for language development, Hutton said.


“Kids learn how to talk if they’re encouraged to talk, and very often, if they’re just watching a screen, they’re not having an opportunity to practice talking,” he said. “They may hear a lot of words, but they’re not practicing saying a lot of words or having a lot of that back-and-forth interaction.”

他说:"如果孩子们被鼓励说话,他们就会学会如何说话,而很多时候,如果他们只是在看屏幕,他们就没有机会练习说话。" 他们可能会听到很多单词,但他们并没有练习说很多单词或进行很多来回互动。

Technology use can take time away from interpersonal relationships that nurture social skills since real people are more multidimensional than characters on a screen, Hutton added. Looking at people’s faces is when our brains turn on to figure out how to interact with them.


“Longer term, one of the real goals is for kids just to be able to sit quietly in their own thoughts,” Hutton said.


There are other factors that can affect a child’s development, such as genetics, adverse experiences such as neglect or abuse, and socioeconomic factors, Nagata said.


In the latest research, mothers of children with high levels of screen time were more likely to be younger, have never given birth before, have a lower household income, have a lower education level and have postpartum depression.


> Privacy a big issue as major automakers sell consumers' personal data


Most major automakers admit they may sell consumers' personal information, and half say they share it with the government or law enforcement without a court order, according to a new survey released Wednesday by the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation.

当地时间6日 美国非营利机枃谋智基金会发布的一份最新调查显示,大多数主流汽车制造商承认它们可能会出售消费者的个人信息。此外一半的汽车制造商表示,他们会在没有法院命令的情况下与政府或执法部门分享这些信息。

A survey of the world's top 25 car companies, including Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai, General Motors, Mercedes, and Audi, found that not a single company met Mozilla's minimum privacy standards. 


Mozilla has been studying data privacy in more than a dozen product categories since 2017, including fitness trackers, smart speakers and other connected home appliances, with cars scoring the lowest on privacy.


Mozilla said there are microphones in the cars, and people have all sorts of sensitive conversations there. The car also has inward and outward cameras and various digital control consoles. 


Consumers have little or no control over what personal information is collected by their vehicles and to whom it is sold. Given the vulnerability of car manufacturers to hackers, data security in cars is a big concern.







sit quietly in their own thoughts 沉浸在自身思考中 were 4.78 time more likely to have underdeveloped communication skills 沟通能力发育不足的可能性高出4.78倍


Handing your baby a phone or tablet to play with may seem like a harmless solution when you’re busy, but it could quickly affect their development, a new study has found.













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