【1】Daisy Edgar Jones on how to find a career you love

2023-10-28 15:07:5160
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2/ Take it seriously, but wear it lightly

There's one saying that's definitely helped me in my professional life which is to take it seriously but wear it lightly, and I think that's really good because I think it's important to take things seriously and really work really hard and be passionate about things, but you know, stuff doesn't always work out and things do, you know you do get rejection and you know, your dreams like change and morph and as you go along and so if you wear it lightly it means that, you know, with every new thing you can kind of handle it and don't it doesn't completely destroy you if things don't work out exactly how you thought they would.

Rejection are like a massive massive part of particularly, um.. when it comes to pursuing acting, and I had a heck of a lot of them and they are really hard it almost feels like a breakup really and, you know, you have this wonderful relationship with an audition and they caught you for ages and you really think they're going to choose you and then they go for someone else and it's really hard not to take that personally but I think the way that I've managed to I guess deal with it through my life is reminding myself that it's such an incredible achievement to be able to you know to be in the room and actually every thing that doesn't go your way isn't necessarily a failure and actually all of the jobs that I didn't get and all the rejection that I did get I'm really grateful for because I think that, um... every path is unique to each person and the things that do come your way and do work out are the ones that are right for you, and everything that I didn't get, actually it ultimately was for the best really, so, yeah, just trying to remind yourself that it isn't personal.

3/Concentrate on what you can control

Having a plan is good. I mean it's not always something that you can stick to and I think that unfortunately with this industry, it's nothing is set in stone I mean things come your way and things get taken away, from a daily basis so structuring a plan isn't always possible, but I think, if you can do the most work you can in prep and control all the variables you can control, for example, if you can learn your lines off by heart, wake up on time, you know, have a shower, make sure you look and feel good, if you can plan to control the bits you can control then the other bits will usually fall into place.

I did have a plan b and I think, that it wasn't necessarily that I wasn't going to, that I was going to stop pursuing acting, or I was going to follow a different career path, but I really tried to cultivate other things in my life that are equally as important, and that I equally enjoy, because I think, sometimes when you're an actor you put a lot of your self-worth on whether you get a job or not, and actually that's not always positive because, your life is still wonderful even if you aren't working or even if auditions aren't coming through, if you can find other things that equally stimulate you and excite you, it means that you're not putting so much pressure on this one thing to work out, and I think that's always good.

I think people do sometimes view their dream job through rose-tinted glasses, and I think that, in life, your expectations only ever get bigger and so sometimes it's reminding yourself that actually where you are now, if you looked at yourself two years ago, you'd be really proud of where you've come to. I think sometimes when you get to a certain destination, you think what's next or I need the next thing I need it needs to be bigger and you stop appreciating actually the things that are really good and the achievements you have made. and so I think it's good to dream and to view things wonderfully but it's also really good to remember that actually to come where you are now is really amazing too and get a bit perspective on that.

4/ Embrace collaboration

I'm not very good at networking in the traditional sense, but, when it comes to finding people who I really like and who have different creative passions I think it's really fun to try and find a way of collaborating together. I still really can't believe that I got that part and got the role of Marianne and it was everything I kind of thought it would be I mean I think I learned so much myself from playing her, and that collaborative process of working with Paul and with Lenny and hetty and all the casts was amazing and taught me really how important it is to work as a team, and how you can really improve each other by doing that. and the show then coming out that's been something I probably didn't expect and what that brought was, yeah. amazing and something I'm still kind of coming to terms with.

5/ Enjoy yourself

There were definitely some challenges to playing Um Marianne, and I think one of the main ones was turning like my inner voice and my head off which was being like "Don't be ridiculous you cannot do this". and I think ultimately it's better just to enjoy everything, and rather than put loads of pressure on yourself for it to be perfect if you enjoy it if you can see that the characters and the actors are really having fun with it you ultimately as a viewer have fun with it too. So I think I try just to lean into that and just yeah really have a good time. yeah, if you enjoy something enough and it's your passion and you think that you know something that you really want to do, go for it and enjoy it and, yeah, see where the journey takes you.





Miss Daisy







