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良好的健康服务Good Health Services

什么是好医生? What is a good doctor? 去哪里寻求医疗帮助? Where to seek medical help? 哪些药物适合治疗健康问题? And what drugs are appropriate for one’s health problems? 这些可能是大多数病人在遇到紧急情况或健康问题时首先想到的问题。 These are probably the first questions most patients have in mind when they are confronted with an emergency or when they are troubled with a health problem. 阅读这篇文章,看看你是否能从中得到一些建议?Read the passage and see if you can get some advice from it?



在紧急情况发生之前,要知道去哪里寻求医疗帮助。 Know where you will go for medical help before an emergency. 确保你选择的医生有可靠的证书。 Make sure the doctor you select has sound credentials【靠谱的医院里通常会有靠谱的医生】. 你的医生应该礼貌和关心地对待你,回答你的问题,让你满意,而不是让你接受过度的治疗。 Your doctor should treat you courteously and with concern, answer your questions to your satisfaction, and not expose you to excessive treatments【好医生的标准】. 建议在看新医生时进行基线体检,之后根据年龄进行适当的间隔。 A baseline physical is advisable upon seeing a new physician , and thereafter at appropriate intervals according to age【看病要带看病东西】. 对于特定的健康问题,应该更频繁地进行筛查。 More frequent screenings should be done for specific health problems. 每当医生或牙医推荐一种看起来有风险或极端的治疗方法时,你应该征求第二个意见。Whenever a doctor or a dentist recommends a treatment that seems risky or extreme, you should get a second opinion【避免被伤害,留一手】.有争议的治疗方法包括捏脊疗法、自然疗法和针灸。 Controversial alternative systems of treatment include chiropractic ,naturopathy, and acupuncture.

非处方药通常是治疗症状而不是治愈疾病,不需要处方。 No prescriptions are necessary for over-the-counter drugs , which generally treat symptoms rather than curing illness. 虽然它们通常安全有效,但如果使用不当可能有害。 Though usually safe and effective, they may be harmful if used improperly.

处方药必须在医生的指导下配发。 Prescription drugs must be dispensed at the instruction of a doctor. 如果可能的话,不要犹豫,让你的医生开非专利药; Don’t hesitate to ask your physician to prescribe generic drugs when possible; 这些会比同类品牌便宜。these will cost you less than their brand-name equivalents.

美国的医院可能是非营利组织,政府拥有和经营,或营利性和私人拥有。 Hospitals in the United States may be nonprofit organizations, government owned and operated, or profit-making and privately owned. 了解你附近哪家医院提供最优质的专业服务和设备,价格有竞争力,以及在紧急情况下哪里可能得到最好的治疗。 Learn which hospitals near you offer the best quality professional service and equipment at competitive prices, and where you would likely be best treated in the event of an emergency. 在医院里,你有权得到礼貌和专业的治疗,并享有美国医院协会列举的具体权利。When in the hospital you have a right to courteous and professional treatment and to specific rights enumerated by the American Hospital Association.

私人健康保险的主要形式是住院、重大医疗和残疾。 The principal forms of private health insurance are hospitalization, major medical , and disability. 在相同的保险范围内,通过团体购买保险通常比个人购买保险便宜。 Insurance bought through a group usually is cheaper for the same coverage than when bought by an individual. 健康维护组织,即为预付保费提供全面医疗保健的系统,是传统保险的一个受欢迎的替代方案。 Health maintenance organizations, systems providing comprehensive health care for prepaid premiums, are a popular alternative to traditional insurance. 美国政府已经建立了医疗保险和医疗补助计划来帮助老年人和穷人,但美国仍然是唯一一个没有全面的国民健康保险制度的工业国家。 The U.S. government has established Medicare and Medicaid programs to help the aged and the poor, but the United States remains the only industrial nation without a system of comprehensive national health insurance. 尽管这个问题仍然存在争议,但人们普遍支持在未来建立某种形式的国民健康保险。Although the issue remains controversial, there is wide support for some form of national health insurance in the future.

医疗骗术是提供关于健康的错误信息,通常以“秘密”疗法的形式针对易受骗的人。 Medical quackery is the purveying of misinformation about health , often in the form of “secret” remedies directed at the gullible. 最流行的庸医疗法是针对关节炎和癌症患者的。 Among the most prevalent quack remedies are those aimed at arthritics and cancer patients. 最近流行的癌症灵丹妙药,苦豆油,还没有被证明有任何治疗价值。The most recent fad in cancer nostrums , laetrile, has not proven to be of any therapeutic value.

当一种产品被声称要与医学界作斗争的人作为秘密疗法提供时,当它在耸人听闻的媒体上或以十字军运动的方式进行宣传时,当它据说能带来奇迹般的效果时,当它被提供给各种各样的疾病时,你应该怀疑庸医。You should suspect quackery when a product is offered as a secret remedy by someone who claims to be battling the medical profession, when it is promoted in sensational media or in crusading fashion, when it is said to bring about miraculous results, or when it is offered for a wide variety of illnesses.

许多消费者保护法律和政府机构已经建立,以维持消费品的安全标准,如果你购买了不安全的产品,它们是补救的来源。 Numerous consumer protection laws and government agencies have been established to maintain standards of safety in consumer products and are a source of redress if you should buy an unsafe product. 各种私人团体也是信息和帮助的来源。Various private groups are also sources of information and help.


I. Understanding the text: Answer the following questions:

1. 1. 什么是好医生? What is a good doctor?


2. 2. 什么是处方药,什么是非处方药?What is a prescription drug and what is a non-prescription drug?


3. 3. 你从文章中了解到关于美国健康保险制度的多少信息?

How much do you learn from the passage about the health insurance system in

the U.S.A.?


4. 4. 什么时候你应该怀疑江湖骗子?When should you suspect quackery?


5. 5. 如果你买了,你会怎么做 What would you do in the event of buyin
















