15-4 The techniques of religion

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G. many times pointed out the necessity of studying this forgotten "technique" as well as the impossibility of attaining results of any kind on the way of religion without it, excepting purely subjective results.

"You must understand," he said, "that every real religion, that is, one that has been created by learned people for a definite aim, consists of two parts. One part teaches what is to be done. This part becomes common knowledge and in the course of time is distorted and departs from the original. The other part teaches how to do what the first part teaches. This part is preserved in secret in special schools and with its help it is always possible to rectify what has been distorted in the first part or to restore what has been forgotten.

"Without this second part there can be no knowledge of religion or in any case such knowledge would be incomplete and very subjective.

"This secret part exists in Christianity also as well as in other religions and it teaches how to carry out the precepts of Christ and what they really mean."




