the Trance of Scarcity

Before I luckily found this brilliant book written by Victoria Castle, I had been struggling and suffering living in the very Trance of Scarcity for three decades or even longer.

I learned about the word of Scarcity for a few years ago when I quit my last job to start the life I wanted. However I was ready to real cope with it about 10 months ago.

I started learning to relax my muscles that were in tense when as a toddler. Meanwhile I feel the changes all over my body, mind and soul, though subtle.

Then nearly two month ago I found this book when typed "scarcity" into, which was just a perfect timing, for my journey of personal growth.

I finished reading last week. My gut feeling keeps telling me that I should broadcast the brilliance of the writings.

It is a book dedicated for me and us.

Wish your life will flow at ease. (青云Frank Lin)