
️David Anderson️

1.Trust the process [信任过程]
2.Inner and outer senses [内在与外在的感官]
3.Archetypal characters [原型人物]
4.Archetypal forces [原型力量]
5.“I don’t know” principle [“我不知道”原则]

6.All the world is a stage [世界即舞台]
7.The sense of upright [直立感]
8.Pregnant with life [孕育生命]
9.“Keep standing” [“保持站立”]
10.The power of speech [言语的力量]

11.How does it work? [如何起效用的?]
12.The first seven years [生命发展的头7年]
13.Life is a drama [生命即是戏剧]
14.The story for little children [为小小孩讲故事]
15.Drama for ages 7-14 [7-14孩子的发展与戏剧]

16.Drama for ages 14-21 [14-21孩子的发展与戏剧]
17.“A thousand ways it doesn’t work” [“一千种不管用的方法”]
18.Integrating the three soul forces [三个心魂力量的整合]
19.The three beasts of the inner life [心魂中的三头野兽]
20.The process for the director [导演的过程]

21.say “Yes!” [说“是的”]
22.Blocking or staging a play [为戏剧排练“拉走位”]
23.Image and imagination [图景及想象]
24.Sense of image exercises [感知图像的练习]
25.The scale of impulses [冲动的尺度]

26.The samurai and the monk [武士与僧人]
27.The sense of life [生命感]
28.To die before you die [在死亡之前死去]
29.Inner and outer biography [内在传记与外在传记]
30.The fire trial [火的试炼]