



The Way is like an empty vessel

That yet may be drawn from

Without ever needing to be filled.

It is bottomless; the very progenitor of all things in the world.

In it all sharpness is blunted,

All tangles untied,

All glare tempered,

All dust soothed.

It is like a deep pool that never dries.

Was it too the child of something else?

We cannot tell.

But as a substanceless image it existed before the Ancestor.




Heaven and Earth are ruthless;

To them the Ten Thousand things are but as straw dogs.

The Sage too is ruthless;

To him the people are but as straw dogs.

Yet Heaven and Earth and all that lies between

Is like a bellows

In that it is empty, but gives a supply that never fails.

Work it, and more comes out.

Whereas the force of words is soon spent.

Far better is it to keep what is in the heart.




The Valley Spirit never dies.

It is named the Mysterious Female.

And the doorway of the Mysterious Female

Is the base from which Heaven and Earth sprang.

It is there within us all the while;

Draw upon it as you will, it never runs dry.




Heaven is eternal, the Earth everlasting.

How come they to be so?

It is because they do not foster their own lives;

That is why they live so long.

Therefore the Sage

Puts himself in the background; but is always to the fore.

Remains outside; but is always there.

Is it not just because he does not strive for any personal end

That all his personal ends are fulfilled?




The highest good is like that of water.

The goodness of is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures;

Yet itself does not scramble,

But is content with the places that all men disdain.

It is this makes water so near to the Way.

And if men think the ground the best place for building a house upon,

If among thoughts they value those that are profound,

If in friendship they value gentleness,

In words, truth; in government, good order;

In deeds, effectiveness; in actions, timeliness -

In each case it is because they prefer what does not lead to strife,

And therefore does not go amiss.
