What I Know Now with Amelia


Dumped, divorced and devastated, you name it, we've all probably kind of been there at some point. Join influencer Amelia Liana on What I Know Now every Monday to resolve the issues surrounding the treachery of heartbreak. Special guests will be joining to provide practical and insightful advice to get you through the darkest days but also to help you construct your new beginning and real self-love. It's the heartache survival guide we've all needed! Follow on Instagram: @amelialiana. -- Description by Amelia Liana.

本播客是由一位叫做Amelia Liana的英国博主创办,每期节目会由Amelia和本期嘉宾一起分享她们的亲身经历,内容聚焦于情感关系与治愈。Amelia自身经历了很多次heartbreak, 在2019年与即将步入婚姻殿堂的未婚夫走到了尽头,这件事情成为她开办此播客的契机,旨在帮助更多遇到相似情感境遇的朋友们。(以上是up主个人的见解,如有错误望大家指出,勿喷 谢谢!)



简介:语培行业雅思教师一枚 专攻英语听力和口语,不定期更新实用的英语学习资料,也会把自己喜欢的英文读本分享到这里,我们一起把英语学习融入到每天的生活中吧 Every little helps! ^-^