Multilingual Corner 多语角

Your mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world.
Let’s hear that
Make your country’s flag fly here!
Everybody could speak his or her prefered language, no matter which one(��French , ��German , ��Japanese, ��Spanish, ��Russian,Arabic, ...etc or even local dialects ) and then translate sentence by sentence into English ��or Chinese��.
We have a library in the space of our group QQ with the name “English corner with Pascal” (#901011495)
Let’s share our joy in our life!

包容世界文化 促进国际交流


简介:法国海归 美国某边缘计算元宇宙集团欧洲市场负责人 投资少儿编程行业 在沈阳音乐学院长大,喜欢写诗,弹琴,唱歌,等各种文体活动,说法语 ,德语 ,俄语 ,英语