This Book Will Change Everything!


"Just Because My Path Is Different Doesn't Mean I'm Lost."

If you are looking for a change of your life, you may get something after reading this book.

Limiting beliefs are sometimes so strong that they keep people from even trying.


Chapter 1: 12 Crazy Goals

Chapter 2: Winning the Lottery

Chapter 3: The Vision House

Chapter 4: Quantum Physics & Energy

Chapter 5: It Is All In Your Mind

Chapter 6: Feelings & Gratitude

Chapter 7: Ask and It Is Given and Your Role as a Co-Creator

Chapter 8: Defining Your Dream Life

Chapter 9: Goal Setting

Chapter 10: Vision Books & Boards

Chapter 11: Creative Visualization & Manifestation

Chapter 12: Scripting

Chapter 13: Affirmations

Chapter 14: As If

Chapter 15: Putting It All Together