
2022-09-01 21:31

2022-09-02 01:23
听:hear,heed,obey,listen,allow,let.听从:obey,heed,comply with,comform_听到听见:hear.听候:wait for,pending.听话:be obedient,heed what an elder or superiorsays.听觉:sense of hearing.听讲:listen to a talk,attend a lecture,hear of,hear about,be told.听命:take orders from,be at sb.s command听写:dictation等
如果只是表示耳朵的行为的话,楼上的答案是可以接受的。敝人补充一点。听从:obey, heed, comply with, conform_ 听候: wait for , pending. 听话: heed what an elder or superior say,be obedient.听讲:listen to a talk, attend a lecture, be told. 听命:take orders from, be at sb's command.听任: let, allow.不知这位同好是何种英语程度。我们共励。
listen, hear