
2022-10-08 01:30

2022-10-08 05:35
it was made of 是个定语从句修饰前面的the lumber,其中it 为代词指代the bedroom;
and 连接的两个并列成分是of the lumber it was made of 和of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen.
1. 关于你问的那个 it was made of 的修饰对象。显然, 它不可能修饰bedroom, 除非那个bedroom 真的整个儿是由板材搭建的或用了大量的板材装饰。但是没有更多的上下文我就不能确定。如果不是这样的话,那么也可能指bedroom 里的某件家具,可是这也需要有更多的语境信息。
2. 同样,我无法断定那个 screen 指什么,因为该词是个多义词,可指 屏, 屏幕, 银幕, 筛子, 掩蔽物, 屏风。我在想这screen 是不是这 bedroom 的窗帘?
I remembered how the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen,请问这个句子的意思,还有 it was made of 是修饰那个词?bedroom 还是 lumber? 麻烦把分析过程写一下,谢谢。

分析:句子主框架:I remembered how the bedroom smelled of A and of B.
A= the lumber it was made of 其中it was made of 是定语从句,当然其先行词是the lumber, it指卧室,这寝室就是用这木材造的。
B=the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen 其中whose scent entered through the screen. 主框架中之所以这个of要重复(而不说smelled of A and B),是为了让读者一下子就将它和of the lumber 并列起来,而不会以为是又一个(并列)句子要出现了。
it was made of 修饰 lumber
I remember + .... 我记得。。。
+how the bedroom smelled 我记得这间卧室闻起来(的味道)...
+how the bedroom smelled of the lumber and (of 是smell of 的 of) the wet woods
我记得这间卧室(里) 木材和湿木头(的味道)
+how the bedroom smelled of the lumber (it was made of) and of the wet woods (whose scent entered through the screen)
我记得这间卧室(里)制造用木材和 从纱窗(飘)进来的(外面的)湿木头(的味道)