有首夜店暖场歌。英文的!我只记得里边唱 wow…!求歌名

2023-09-23 14:26

It's a new day
New day
And it's evident
You must have been heaven-sent
Sometimes we should be hesitant
But i'm not at all
Just feelin more confident
Just using my common sense
Just trust in it i'm lovin it
I can't refuse an offer so benevolent
Can't assume he's gon' use me
And after he'll never call again
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
This is your day
This is your day
It's time to be brave
Say i'm not afraid
Not anymore
I used to be cold
Now the temperature's changed
It just ain't the same
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
Cus i've become brave
As the light of day
Straight into a cave
To show me the way
That i might be saved
Now i'm turning the page
Thanks to the power of love i can love
Because i am brave
I am brave i am brave

I heard him say this thing moving too fast for him
It's a feelin i was straddeling
Foolishly adamant
But it's all in his eyes
Really wish he would let me in
Cus the same way i'm scared of him
I'm scared of being hurt again
It's time to let go
Let go of your heart
It's time for a brand new start
Never know we might never part
Baby don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
This is your day
This is your day
It's time to be brave
Say i'm not afraid
Not anymore
I used to be cold
Now the temperature's changed
It just ain't the same
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
Cus i've become brave
As the light of day
Straight into a cave
To show me the way
That i might be saved
Now i'm turning the page
Thanks to the power of love i can love
Because i am brave
I wouldn't take back anything that i've gone through (no)
I pray for strength for anything that i'm gonna do
Whether joy or it's pain
I'm still okay (i i'm still okay)
I'唯纯亮m a be alright cause i'裤猜m not afraid
No i am brave (brave)
Say i'm not afraid
Not anymore
I used to be cold
Now the temperature's changed
It just ain't the same
I'm not afraid
I'指宽m not afraid
Cus i've become brave
As the light of day
Straight into a cave
To show me the way
That i might be saved
Now i'm turning the page
Thanks to the power of love i can love
Because i am brave

I am brave
1个回答2024-01-21 23:38
对于一个有故事的男人的话 一直陪着他就好了吧.!.像那种比较孩子气的男人就随便说点暖心的话 情侣之间不是有很多酸酸的话吗
2个回答2022-08-22 11:02
亲爱的玩家你好: 很高兴为你解答、,亲,夜店之王跟小小夜店差不多,但是夜店之王更多的玩家会选择,亲可以看一下介绍,有兴趣的话加入我们的团体,夜店之王期...
1个回答2022-09-28 22:01
歌词 暖暖的夜里被风吹 找不到人安慰
1个回答2024-03-05 08:50
落花 作词:于正 作曲:毛慧 演唱:林心如 花开的时候最珍贵 花落了就枯萎 错过了花期花怪谁 花需要人安慰 一生要哭多少回 才能不流泪 一生要流多少泪 才能不心碎 我眼角...
1个回答2023-01-02 20:51
十分好看~! 无论从演员阵容上说~ 还是从内容上来说~~ 都是不错的一部喜剧~! 我很喜欢KIMI~ 所以 强烈推荐这部影片~! 我现在 还等视频呢~ 相当期待呢~! 呵呵~!
1个回答2022-10-14 21:20
3个回答2022-08-25 10:06
请问夜店是什么意思? 夜店是指那种营业到第二天凌晨的服务性行业,如酒吧一些晚上开的休闲类场所!~
夜店 什么意思啊?
2个回答2022-08-17 02:18
1个回答2022-09-10 19:43
1个回答2024-01-23 01:48
1、《魔鬼夜营店》,作者是夜瑾岚。 2、《娱乐之闪耀冰山》,作者是有鱼的天空。 3、《给我一支烟》,作者是楚图南。 4、《街舞青春》,作者是圈大大。 5、《魔音天才少女》,作者...