
2023-09-25 06:15

是孙燕姿翻唱的《hey jude》吧
hey jude,
don't make it bad.
take a sad song and make it better.
remember to let her into your heart,
then you can start to make it better.

hey jude,
don't be afraid.
you were made to go out and get her.
the minute you let her under your skin,
then you begin to make it better.

and anytime you feel the pain,
hey jude, refrain,
don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
well you know
that it's a fool who plays it cool
by making his world a little colder.

hey jude,
don't let me down.
you have found her,
now go and get her.
remember to let her into your heart,
then you can start to make it better.

so let it out and let it in,
hey jude, begin,
you're waiting for someone to perform with.
and don't you know that it's just you,
hey jude, you'll do,
the movement you need is on your shoulder.

hey jude,
don't make it bad.
take a sad song and make it better.
remember to let her under your skin,
then you'll begin to make it better
better better better better better, oh.

na na na, na na na na,

na na na na, hey jude
na na na na, hey jude...
3个回答2022-10-12 15:34
making,swimming,shining ,shaving,running,sitting,typing ,putting,coming,giving
2个回答2022-09-18 00:23
5个回答2022-09-16 17:48
解决跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求 帮选个好听的。本人姓石。跪求跪求跪求跪求
2个回答2023-04-12 02:06
石景田 石敬田 谐音都是 石惊天 有一破而出的气魄 石伊海
4个回答2022-05-04 16:07
克服任何困难都需要顽强的毅力 以你如此恳切的态度,应该有很大的毅力克服困难的。
跪求几段英文翻译! 跪求!跪求!跪求!跪求!跪求!
1个回答2022-09-25 20:52
要什么翻译 没看明白
1个回答2022-10-11 11:18
言情小说 穿越,现代, 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求 跪求
2个回答2023-08-19 17:25
看你这个风格~~ 我介绍的 穿越,架空~~ 会很符合你胃口~~ 已发送