英文歌 音乐刚开头是很有规律的呼吸的那首歌

2023-09-28 13:25

My Prayer - Devotion

In a dream I hold you close

Embracing you with my hands

You gazed at me with eyes full of love

And made me understand

That I was meant to share it with you
My heart my mind my soul

Then I open my eyes

And all I see reality shows I'm alone

But I know someday that you'll be by my side
'Cause I know god's just waiting
Till the time is right

God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm

When the darkness falls
Will you please shine her the way

God will you let her know that I love her so
When there's no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers

So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day)弊陆缓
When our hearts will beat as one
(When our hearts will beat as one)
I will wait so patiently (patiently)
For that day to come (for that day to come)
I know someday that you'll be by my side
'Cause I know god's just waiting
Till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm

When the darkness falls
Will you please shine her the way
(Shine her the way)悉穗
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there's no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers

It's beating with her's (ooo)
My heart it's beating with her's (oooo)
It's beating with her's

God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls
Will you please shine her the way

God will you let her know that I love her so
When there'租模s no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart it's beating with her's

Oh it's beating with her's

(It's beating with yours)
1个回答2023-09-22 07:05
2个回答2023-09-23 07:10
昨晚看《世说新语 排调》友皮氏有这样一个故事,恰好是讨论词语先后握羡顺序,除了孔孟等尊卑之类,还有平仄:诸葛令、王丞相好散共争姓族先后。王曰:“何不言葛、王,而云王、葛?”令曰:“譬言驴马,不言马驴...
强弱规律有规律吗 什么规律
1个回答2024-04-13 04:57
强弱弱,跟3/4的一样,只不过3/4是以4分音符为一拍。3/8是以8分音符为一拍。 强弱弱
3个回答2023-08-16 04:52
什么是呼吸作用 什么是呼吸
2个回答2022-12-05 19:11
3个回答2022-08-30 09:50
呼吸在生理学上,是指氧从空气传送到生物组织,以及二氧化碳从生物组织传送回空气的过程。这与呼吸作用有所不同:呼吸作用是在细胞之内进行,将有机物氧化分解并产生能量;而呼吸则是在细胞之外进行。 气体交换,...
3个回答2022-09-03 13:56
有机体和外界环境间和组织细胞与内环境之间进行气体交换的过程叫呼吸。 呼吸作用,是指某些有机物如淀粉、葡萄糖等碳水化合物在活细胞中彻底氧化分解,放出二氧化碳和水,同时释放能量的过程.在呼吸作用中,较复...
2个回答2022-12-28 23:32
3个回答2023-01-30 17:21
内呼吸是指能源物质在细胞内氧化的过程,消耗氧产生高能键、二氧化碳和水等,又称细胞呼吸。 外呼吸包括呼吸器官的通气活动和呼吸器官的换气活动。整个呼吸过程分为三个环节:外呼吸,气体运输以及内呼吸。 ...