his father is an artist

2024-02-05 12:20



Jim’s mother is a teacher, ________ his father ________ a teacher.
1个回答2024-03-13 16:39
答案C 前后两句是并列关系,用and,also放在be动词,助动词,情态动词之后。
An old man is his dog the tree tie
1个回答2024-02-26 08:25
选D tying....to...把....系到.....那个老人把他的狗栓到了树上。 tie的现在分词形式是tying
An old man is his dog the tree tie
1个回答2024-03-05 13:19
选D tying....to...把....系到.....那个老人把他的狗栓到了树上。 tie的现在分词形式是tying
It is a wise father that knows his own child.
1个回答2024-03-13 13:28
B 解析: It is a wise father that knows his own child.父贤知其子。故选B。
the father--------- his two-year-old son by telling him an interesting story
1个回答2024-01-22 01:14
就填一个词吗? 那可以填:inspires, teaches, comforts 这类的词. 本人粗略地分析了一下句子, 因为动作的承受着是一个两岁的小男孩, 所以我觉得这里填 comforts 会比...
the father--------- his two-year-old son by telling him an interesting story
1个回答2024-01-20 15:17
填词? 填:inspires, teaches, comforts 类词. 本粗略析句, 作承受着两岁男孩, 所我觉填 comforts 比较合适, 于纪麽孩用趣故事安慰较合理. 按照语说, insp...
Father is sleeping
1个回答2024-02-20 23:46
B you’b better +do sth,你最好做某事。
His father often tells him ...
1个回答2024-02-29 20:45
【答案】A 【答案解析】试题分析:不定式的否定式通常是在不定式符号to前面加not,tell后接带to的不定式。根据下文因为太危险了。前文意思为:他的父亲告诉他不要去在那条河里面游泳。故选A。 考点:...
英语an aspring artist怎么翻译?
3个回答2023-09-30 14:25
an aspiring artist 有抱负判纳悄的艺术家 重点词汇 aspiring 立志;渴望;追求;升高;高耸;(aspire的现在分词);茄搏有抱负的;高耸的 artist 画家;绘画爱...