The most detailed information about the woman robber is her

2024-02-19 15:51

The most detailed information about the woman robber is herA. manners. B. talkativeness. C. height. D. jewelry.
             Jane              her mother is crazy about the...
1个回答2024-06-15 01:45
D 解析: 句意:不止Jane,她母亲也对《来自星星的你》这部电视剧很痴迷。她们已经看过很多遍了。由both……and连接的两个主语,谓语动词用复数,由not only……but also连接就...
The story is about a girl_____sacrificed her life for her friends
1个回答2024-02-12 20:16
选 A who 因为这是个定语从句,而定语从句里面,确实主语。 或者说,先行词在定语从句里做主语,所以就用 who
The story is about...
1个回答2024-01-26 05:21
上面一个 因为下面一个有两个谓语动词了
the town is about
1个回答2024-02-09 12:50
C表示多久的路程,用时间的所有格形式,这个是固定的格式 再如:驾车10分钟,就是10 minutes' driving
mirror,mirror on the wall .who is the most beautif
4个回答2023-11-01 06:10
you,you,you are the best beauty
what is the song talking about是什么意思?
2个回答2023-10-07 04:06
what is the song talking about 可以翻译为:这首歌是关于什么的。 扩展资料:拆脊 talk有关短语区别 1. talk of:这个词组的意思是“谈及;谈论”,不...
The story is about a family
1个回答2024-02-09 08:19
The old woman is telling() interesting story to the child
1个回答2024-02-05 07:42
填an 因为interesting发元音,所以用an 绝对不能填some因为story没有加s.所以是:一个有趣的故事an interesting story
knock the robber to the ground
1个回答2024-03-03 20:14
第三题goes,buys,and visits 构成并列,表一系列的动作,所以统一用过去时.基于这个原因,答案应选B而不是C.若把逗号去掉则应选D.此时to表目的.但记住逗号一定要去掉!
Bicycle is the most typical of Peking
1个回答2024-06-04 00:51
Bicycle is the most typical of Peking 翻译 自行车是北京最典型的标志