
2022-08-28 09:35

Last year I went to Australia and today I want to introduce 北昆士兰's capital-Keynesian to you,which is a main city in the north of 昆士兰state,about 2000kilometres away from 布里斯班.It's one of the most important international cities of Australia.Keynesian has great mountains on it's back,rainforest around it and spread to the beach.Keynesian isthe necissary way to the Great Barrier Reef.the Great Barrier Reef is the biggest cay allover the world.It has a history of 15000years,and it's sea line is more than 2000kilometres from south to north.With many kinds of infrequent sea critter.
It's beautiful indeed!There's verious of fish,even when you're diving you can feel them swimming near your feet!
Keynesianis a small city with much famous rainforest,I can travel by amphibious car,which is very interesting.
Keynesian isvery beautiful,it impressed me greatly!
I have gone to Australia in last year, today I must introduce am
Keynes, Keynes am north Queensland's capital, is north the Queensland
state the main city, is away from Brisbane by the NATO 2,,000
kilometers, is passes in and out one of Australian main international
gateways. Hopes for graciousness Si Beiyi the grand mountain, the
cover rain forest spreads all around, and extrusion to seashore area.
Exquisite hopes for graciousness Si, is goes to the great barrier reef
(Great Barrier Reef) must pass through the front door. The great
barrier reef is in the world the biggest reef crag body, is apart from
now 15,000 year ago a coral spot to grow into. Its coastline extends
more than 2,000 kilometers by the winter solstice north, is the rare
marine life. There very is really beautiful, has various fish, is
diving, may feel to the fish in the foot downriver!
Keynes this city very small, there also has the very famous tropical
rain forest, may make the sea land dual purpose vehicle, is very
Keynes is very beautiful, has made the very deep impression to me!
I have gone to Australia in last year, today I must introduce am
Keynes, Keynes am north Queensland's capital, is north the Queensland
state the main city, is away from Brisbane by the NATO 2,,000
kilometers, is passes in and out one of Australian main international
gateways. Hopes for graciousness Si Beiyi the grand mountain, the
cover rain forest spreads all around, and extrusion to seashore area.
Exquisite hopes for graciousness Si, is goes to the great barrier reef
(Great Barrier Reef) must pass through the front door. The great
barrier reef is in the world the biggest reef crag body, is apart from
now 15,000 year ago a coral spot to grow into. Its coastline extends
more than 2,000 kilometers by the winter solstice north, is the rare
marine life. There very is really beautiful, has various fish, is
diving, may feel to the fish in the foot downriver!
Keynes this city very small, there also has the very famous tropical
rain forest, may make the sea land dual purpose vehicle, is very
Keynes is very beautiful, has made the very deep impression to me!
have gone to Australia in last year, today I must introduce am
Keynes, Keynes am north Queensland's capital, is north the Queensland
state the main city, is away from Brisbane by the NATO 2,,000
kilometers, is passes in and out one of Australian main international
gateways. Hopes for graciousness Si Beiyi the grand mountain, the
cover rain forest spreads all around, and extrusion to seashore area.
Exquisite hopes for graciousness Si, is goes to the great barrier reef
(Great Barrier Reef) must pass through the front door. The great
barrier reef is in the world the biggest reef crag body, is apart from
now 15,000 year ago a coral spot to grow into. Its coastline extends
more than 2,000 kilometers by the winter solstice north, is the rare
marine life. There very is really beautiful, has various fish, is
diving, may feel to the fish in the foot downriver!
Keynes this city very small, there also has the very famous tropical
rain forest, may make the sea land dual purpose vehicle, is very
Keynes is very beautiful, has made the very deep impression to me!
1个回答2024-04-17 11:01
“言必行,行必果,果必信”中的“果必信”是就是说到做到的意思。 说过就要去做,既然做了就要有个结果,不能言而无信,半途而废。 言而必行。 〖出处〗《论语·子路》:“言必信,行必果,硁硁然小人哉。...
1个回答2024-01-26 09:04
意思是:答应别人的事必须做到,做到才会有结果(效果,回报等),做到后别人才会更信任你,才会有长期的交往(交易,合作等)。 这句话出自先秦时期记录孔子语录的《论语·子路》,此句全段是: “子贡问...
1个回答2024-02-02 04:02
言必行,行必果,果必信的意思是指说出的话一定要足以信任,行动了就一定要有结果,有了结果必定要守信。出自《论语·子路》:“言必信,行必果,硁硁然小人哉。” 信:守信用。果:有结果。指说出的话一定...
( )必( ),( )必( )
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( )必( ),( )必( ).
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言必行,行必果。 ——选自春秋战国思想家孔子的《礼记·中庸》 我们的先哲孔夫子告诫我们:一个人要言行一致。说了就要去做。只说不做是不讲信用的人,是缺乏高素质的表现。 言必信...
1个回答2024-02-20 05:03
〖读音〗yán bì xìn,xíng bì guǒ 言必信,行必果 〖解释〗信:守信用;果:果断,坚决。说了就一定要守信用,做事一定要办到,不拖拉。 〖英文解释〗Promise must...