
2022-12-19 13:47

是 曾舜晞的 《早安少年morning call》
Put your flags up in the sky
(put'em in the sky/Jogue lá no Alto)
And wave'em side to side
(side to side/Lado a Lado)
Show the world where you're from
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
(one love life)

Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá

When the goin gets tough
(goin gets tough)
The tough get goin
(tough get goin)
One love (love) one life (life) one world (world) one fight (fight)
Whole world (world) one night (night) one place (place) Brazil (Brasil)

Everybody put your flags in the sky and do what you feel
It's your world my world our world
And we invite the whole world whole world to play
It's your world my world our world today
And we invite the whole world whole world to play
Es mí mundo tú mundo él mundo de nosotros
Invitamos al todo el mundo a hogar con nosotros
Put your flags up in the sky
(put'em in the sky /Jogue lá no Alto)
And wave'em side to side
(side to side/Lado a Lado)
Show the world where you're from
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
(one love life)
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
One night watch the world unite
Two sides one fight and a million eyes
Full hearts gonna work so hard
Shoot for the stars
Fists raised towards the sky tonight watch the world unite world unite world unite for the fight fight fight
One night watch the world unite two sides one fight and a million eyes
Hey hey hey
Forza forza
Come on sing with me
Hey hey hey
Allez allez come shout it out with me
Hey hey hey
Come on now
Hey hey hey
Come on now
Hey hey hey hey hey
Put your flags up in the sky
(put'em in the sky/Jogue lá no Alto)
And wave'em side to side
(side to side/Lado a Lado)
Show the world where you're from
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
(one love life)
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá

é meu é seu
Hoje é tudo nosso
Quando eu chamo o mundo inteiro pra jogar
é pra mostrar que eu posso
Torcer chorar sorrir gritar
N o importa o resultado vamos Extravasar
Put your flags up in the sky
(put'em in the sky/Jogue lá no Alto)
And wave'em side to side
(side to side/Lado a Lado)
Show the world where you're from
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
(one love life)
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
Olê olê olê olá
昨天91.8晚上5点左右有一首歌是一个男的唱的 其中歌词是故事的首吻合 求歌名!
1个回答2024-02-18 14:04
歌曲名:爱 歌手:莫文蔚 专辑:我的.莫文蔚五光十色最精彩选辑 词:李焯雄 曲:陈晓娟 你还记得吗 记忆的炎夏 散落在风中的已蒸发 喧哗的都已沙哑 没结果的花 未完成的牵挂 我们学会许多说法 来掩饰...
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