
2023-09-11 10:21

Before You Exit - Three Perfect Days
The first day is always the best
It could be love or a beautiful mess
But you just don't know so you gotta go along for the ride along for the ride
Day 2, she's so into you
And the first kiss feels like it's something true
And you know it's real, everything you feel so deep inside.
Day 3 comes, you tell everyone how much she means to you
A picture perfect night, everything goes right
Until she says “we're through”
I was the one for a minute, two for a second,
Three days later you told me to forget it
Three perfect days, three perfect days
Thought it was love, we were in it, you said it was over
And now I'm looking for somebody's shoulder to make me feel okay
And how could I let her get away in just three days?
Just three days

This is now, and that was then
And her Facebook wall says she's single again
Guess I should've know she would get away
She forgot my name forgot my name
She took me down when I found out I was just another weekend fling
It was a beautiful mess, but in the end I guess, it didn't mean a thing
I was the one for a minute, two for a second,
Three days later you told me to forget it
Three perfect days, they were three perfect days
Thought it was love, we were in it, you said it was over
And now I'm looking for somebody's shoulder to make me feel okay
How could I let her get away in just three days?
I'd do it all again, even if I knew it would end
And I still remember when
I was the one for a minute, one for a minute, one for a minute
I was the one for a minute, two for a second,
Three days later you told me to forget it
Three perfect days, three perfect days
Thought it was love, we were in it
You said it was over
And now I'm looking for somebody's shoulder to make me feel okay
How could I let her get away in just three days?
Just three days
Three perfect days
1个回答2023-06-03 11:08
词目:逆风飞扬 拼音:nì fēng feī yáng 基本解释1. [go against the wind;head wind] 2. 面冲着风;迎风逆风而上 3. 指跟车船行进方向相反的风顶着...
1个回答2024-01-24 13:38
微笑面对生活    微笑去面对生活吧,不要埋怨上帝给你的不足,不要埋怨生活中的太多的颠簸,也不要埋怨生命中有太多的的坎坷.试想,大海失去了喷派的波涛,还回浩瀚吗?如果沙漠失去了了狂舞的风沙,还...
1个回答2022-10-21 03:53
4个回答2022-04-17 00:54
1个回答2022-12-27 16:23
逆风而行 逆风而上
1个回答2023-02-08 02:52
雪花的快乐 徐志摩 假若我是一朵雪花, 翩翩的在半空里潇洒, 我一定认清我的方向 ——飞扬,飞扬,飞扬, 这地面上有我的方向。 不去那冷寞的幽谷, 不去那凄清的山麓, 也不上荒街去惆怅 ——飞扬,...
顺风兮 逆风兮 无阻我飞扬 是出自哪里 谁写的
1个回答2022-08-28 20:36
2个回答2022-07-13 03:39
出自刘邦写的《大风歌》 大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡。安得猛士兮守四方! 汉高祖十一年9公元前196年),淮南王黥布起兵反叛,刘邦亲率大军讨伐,黥布仓皇而逃,刘邦令部下继续追击,自已率部分...
1个回答2022-04-19 19:31
飞扬的意思是:飞舞;飘扬;高举飘扬。 【拼音】fēi yáng 【出处】宋 范晔《后汉书·袁安传》:“魂魄飞扬,形容已枯。” 魂魄飞舞飘扬,形象容貌已经枯萎 【例子】国庆节到了,大街小巷彩旗...