Lucy英语 | 10大实用英语短语

2018-08-09 06:03:00陈府公子Childe08:34 2.2万

The first one is ‘to fancy’.

第一个词汇是‘to fancy’。


And I have mentioned this one before, but it’s so important that I’m going to mention it again. You need to know this verb. You need to know it, we use it all the time. It has two meanings.



It can mean to be romantically interested in somebody, so an example could be, I fancied Will for ages and I was gobsmacked when I found out he fancied me too. ‘Gobsmacked’ means shocked, speechless.



Now the other way that we use this verb is to express that we want or we feel like something. I could say, I really fancy fish and chips tonight. And that means I really feel like fish and chips. I want fish and chips. Or in a question, do you fancy going to the pub? Do you want to go to the pub? Do you feel like going to the pub? Now, note I said, do you want to go, but do you fancy going? Do you feel like going? So remember that if you use it in an exam.

除此之外这个动词还有另外一种使用方法,用来表达我们真的很想要或很喜欢某样东西。我可以说:“我今晚真的很fancy炸鱼和薯条。”其实就是说我今晚很想吃炸鱼和薯条。我想要炸鱼和薯条。或者以问句形式:“你fancy去酒吧吗?”你想要去酒吧吗?你觉得去酒吧怎么样?注意我刚说的:你想要(want)去吗?是加to go,但用fancy的话就加going,feel like加going。所以如果你们在考试中用到这个词汇务必牢记这个差别。


Right, the next one, number two is a phrasal verb. It is ‘to dob somebody in’. ‘To dob somebody in’.

接下来,第二个是一个动词短语:“to dob somebody in”。


This means to report a person to somebody of authority for a wrongdoing. So if somebody’s done something wrong, you inform someone in a position of authority. For example, I can’t believe Ellie dobbed me in to the teacher for skipping class yesterday. She dobbed me in. She informed the teacher who is in a position of authority over me. She told on me; she dobbed me in. I remember at school, if somebody was being mean, I’d say, I’m gonna dob you in, which means I’m going to tell the teacher.



Right, the next one, number three, another phrasal verb. This one is ‘to chat somebody up’. ‘To chat somebody up’.

下一个,词汇三,也是一个动词短语。就是“to chat somebody up”。


Now this can mean two things in British English. The first one is the more common use and the second one is slightly less common, it’s kind of used in a more sarcastic way.



The first meaning is to talk to somebody in a flirtatious way. To talk to somebody flirtatiously. So if somebody’s paying me lots and lots of compliments, I might say, are you chatting me up? Are you flirting with me? I think in America you might say ‘to hit on’. Are you hitting on me? Are you chatting me up?

第一个用法是指跟某人聊天以一种调情的方式。挑逗地跟某人聊天。所以,如果有人不停地夸赞我,我可能会说,你是在“chatting me up”吗?你是在撩我吗?我觉得在美国你们可能会用“hit on”你是在挑逗我吗?


The other meaning is to talk to somebody persuasively, normally with ulterior motives. For example, say a bouncer wouldn’t let us into a club, I’ll say, I’ll see if I can chat her up. It doesn’t mean I’m going to flirt with her. It means I’m going to try and be really, really nice to her to try and persuade her to let us in.



The next one, ‘to be up for something’. We use this all the time. Are you up for it? I’m up for it. She’s up for it. The meaning is very simple. It means to want to do something. So if I am up for going out, I want to go out, I feel like going out. So if I say, we’ve going ice skating tonight if you’re up for it. It means we’re going ice skating tonight if you want to come, too. It’s very, very informal.

下一个,“to be up for something”我们经常用到这个词汇。你对这个感兴趣吗?我喜欢这个。她喜欢这个。意思其实很简单,就是说你想做某事。所以,如果我说我“up for going out”,意思就是我想出去逛逛。还有,如果我说“我们今晚要去溜冰,如果你也up for it的话。”就是说我们今晚要去滑冰,如果你也想一起来的话。这个短语非常口语化。


Next, another one we use all the time. I use it so frequently, and when I talk to non-native speakers I try and carefully select my verbs so that I avoid using slangs that they can understand me better. But ‘pop’ is the one that I struggle with, because I just use it all the time. And ‘pop’, the meaning is very simple. Once you understand it, you’ll be fine.



It means to go somewhere usually for a short period of time and often without notice. So, ‘without notice’ is you haven’t advised the place or the people that you’re going to go there, you’re going to visit. We often use it with a preposition. I’m just popping out. I’m just going outside for a short period of time. Or I’m just gonna pop to the shops, do you want anything? I’m just going to go to the shops, do you need anything? Or if I say, do you mind if I pop in for a minute? It means do you mind if I quickly visit your house for a second? So it’s normally something spontaneous, unplanned, short period of time, but it basically just means ‘go’.      

 它的意思是去某处,通常指停留很短的时间,往往是在没有事先告知的情况下。没有事先告知,就是说你没有提前通知这个地方或人,你准备过去或准备去拜访。我们通常会和一个介词搭配使用。“我要popping out了”,意思是我要出去一会儿。或者:“我要pop to超市,你需要我带什么吗?”我正准备去超市,你需要我带什么吗?或者说:“你介意我pop in一会儿吗?”意思就是,你介意我来你家小坐一会儿吗?所以它通常用于一些突然的、没有计划的决定,而且是很短时间的,其实和“go”的意思差不多。  


Number six, to go on about. This means to talk continuously and to talk too much. It’s teetering, it’s only just on the negative side. So, if I say, ugh, what’s she going on about again? It means what’s she talking about continuously and too much again? But sometimes it’s used in quite an affectionate way. What are you going on about? What is he going on about? But we sometimes forget the ‘going’ bit, so what are you on about? What’s he on about? Be prepared to hear people say ‘on about’ instead of to go on about.

词汇六,“to go on about”意思是叽里呱啦、讲个不停。词性可能会稍稍偏贬义。比如:“她又在going on about啥?”就是说:“她又在唠叨些啥?”但通常它也以一种比较亲热、比较秀恩爱的方式出现。“你又在说什么鬼啦?”“他又在说什么鬼啦?”但有时候我们会省去‘going’。 “你又在扯些什么?”“他又在扯些什么?”所以别人说‘on about’的时候不要惊讶,因为不一定要说‘go on about’。


 Number seven, another phrasal verb, very important one. Can also just be a verb on its own, it’s ‘to faff around’, or you can shorten it to ‘faff’, just to faff. It’s not a phrasal verb in this case. It’s got two meanings, both are quite similar. The first meaning, the most common one is to spend time doing unimportant things and avoid what you really should be doing. A little bit like to procrastinate, bur with more emphasis on doing the unimportant things. What have you been doing? Have you just been doing faffing around? I’m trying to say what have you been doing, have been avoiding all the important tasks and just doing meaningless tasks?

词组七,还是一个动词短语,这个也很重要。它也可以单独做动词,就是“to faff around”。或者你可以直接简化为“faff”。这样的话就不是动词短语了。它有两个意思,但其实很相近。


The other meaning is to behave in a silly way. So if someone’s being a little bit stupid, joking around too much, I might say stop faffing around. Stop messing around it could also mean. ‘Faff ’on its own, stop faffing, oh I’m just faffing. We don’t necessarily have to include that around there.

另一个意思是:举止很愚蠢。所以,如果谁有点笨笨的,到处乱开玩笑,我可能会说:“赶快别faff around了,别瞎闹腾了”或者“别再成天无所事事了”。‘Faff’也可以单独使用,“别瞎忙活了”,“噢,我只是在瞎忙活”。后面不一定要加‘around’。


Number eight, a verb on its own, ‘to scoff’. To scoff. And this in British English slang means to eat something quickly and greedily. So if I see someone eating their lunch really, really quickly, I might say, you scoff that. You ate that quickly and greedily. It’s very informal, it’s quite friendly. It’s not necessarily negative if you use it in the right way. So I might say, I scoffed my dinner and I went up for seconds. I ate my dinner really quickly and greedily. And ‘to go up for seconds’ means to return to the food with your plate to get a second helping.

词汇八,一个单独的动词。这个单词在英式英语中表示:非常快速、贪婪地吃某样东西。所以假如我看到某人正在超迅速地吃着午餐,我可能会说:“你吃得狼吞虎咽的,吃那么快啊!”这不是个很正式的词,适合在亲密的关系中使用。但如果你正确使用它的话,也不见得是个贬义词。所以我可能会说:“我狼吞虎咽地吃完了我的晚饭,然后继续我的第二轮。”“我快速、贪婪地吃了我的晚餐。” 而“to go up for seconds”的意思是:端着你的盘子回到食物区再多加点吃的。


Number nine, another phrasal verb, this one is ‘to crack on with something or someone’, because there is a new use for this phrasal verb. The first one is to proceed or to progress quickly. You know at the beginning of my lessons, I say, right let’s get started with the lesson. I could say:’ let’s crack on with the lesson.’ Let’s get going, let’s proceed quickly, and progress quickly, too.

词汇九,也是一个动词短语,它就是“to crack on with something or someone”。可以加某人,是因为这个动词短语有了个新用法。最开始的用法是指:事情进行或进展快速。你们知道我通常在课程的一开始,我会说:“让我们开始今天的课程吧!”我也可以说:“让我们开始吧,让我们快进入今天的课程吧!”


Another newer meaning for this phrasal verb is to flirt with somebody. So if I say I saw James cracking on with Holly. It means I saw James at least attempting to flirt with Holly. I guess you could think that it’s somebody trying to progress with their relationship with a specific person. But please remember that one is very informal and it’s relatively new.

这个动词短语还有另一个稍微新一点的用法是去撩某人。如果我说:“我看见吉姆斯cracking on霍利。” 意思是:“我看见吉姆斯试图撩霍利。”我猜你们可能会理解为:某人想要快速发展,和另一个特定的人之间的恋爱关系。但一定要记住,这个词组不太正式,而且相对新一些。


The last one, number ten is ‘to skive’. It’s a verb on its own. But you can add the preposition ‘off’, and say ‘to skive off’. It means the same thing. The definition is to avoid work, school, or a particular duty by leaving early, or by just not going, staying away. I might say, I’m going to skive off this last lesson, because the teacher just reads off the slides. Or you could say, oh I think Tom skived off work yesterday, because he called in sick. He said he was ill on the telephone, and I saw him in the shopping centre. Naughty. Have you ever skived off work? Comment below if you have.

最后一个词汇,第十个就是:“to skive”。这是个单独的动词。但是也可以搭配介词“off”,然后变成“to skive off”。但意思是一样的。意思是翘班或翘课,以及为避开某项任务提前离开、干脆不去或躲得远远的。我可能会说:“我今天要skive off最后这节课,因为老师就照着幻灯片读。”或者:“我觉得汤姆昨天翘班了,因为他打电话请了病假。他在电话里说他生病了但我却在购物中心看到了他。”调皮了噢~你们有没有翘过班?如果有的话在下面评论哦。


Right, so those are the ten British slang phrasal verbs and verbs.



Lucy 现在常用于英文人名 lucy的意思是“光明”,来源于希腊的“lux”,现在“lux ”也是亮度单位。 呵呵~想取英文名吗?


一: Lucy ['lu:si] 露西(女子名)[异体 Lucille, Lucile, Lucinda, 亦作 Luci] 来自拉丁字Lux,"光明"的意思。人们认为Lucy是有趣的乡村女孩、活泼可爱、风趣、引人注意。 二:Lucy ['lu:si] n.露西原人(1974年在埃塞俄比亚东部发现的女性原人残骸)

名字:lucy的故事 英文

Lucy is now commonly used in English names lucy means "light ", derived from the Greek "lux", now "lux" is also a unit of luminance. Lucy Liu, a famous Chinese actor in Hollywood. She starred in Charlie's Angels films.


一: Lucy ['lu:si] 露西(女子名)[异体 Lucille, Lucile, Lucinda, 亦作 Luci] 来自拉丁字Lux,"光明"的意思。人们认为Lucy是有趣的乡村女孩、活泼可爱、风趣、引人注意。 二:Lucy ['lu:si] n.露西原人(1974年在埃塞俄比亚东部发现的女性原人残骸)


一: Lucy ['lu:si] 露西(女子名)[异体 Lucille, Lucile, Lucinda, 亦作 Luci] 来自拉丁字Lux,"光明"的意思。人们认为Lucy是有趣的乡村女孩、活泼可爱、风趣、引人注意。 二:Lucy ['lu:si] n.露西原人(1974年在埃塞俄比亚东部发现的女性原人残骸)


Lucy is a quiet child.




Lucy 女孩名 露西 源自拉丁语 涵意 : 带来光明和智慧的人。


Lucy 英[ˈlu:si] 美[ˈlusi] n. 露西(女子名); [例句]Lucy had strung a banner across the wall saying 'Welcome Home Daddy'. 露西在墙上挂了一条横幅,上面写着“欢迎爸爸回家”。


